South Asian Weddings


So R had his first individual counseling session today. We're going to talk more about couples and individual counseling. He's also found a parenting class that begins at the end of February.

So things are getting there.
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Re: Update

  • edited December 2011
    Oh that's great! I am glad to hear that he went and things are moving forward.

    Have things with him calmed down otherwise? Is he still hanging out with that friend that reminds him of you? I hope not!
  • edited December 2011
    He still sees her (they work together), but he has promised me that there will be no more alone time or overnights with her. That was my other condition for working this out - he couldn't spend more time with her than he was spending with me, and if I found out that they had any more sleepovers there would be trouble. I have no proof that he has cheated, but the only proof I have that he hasn't cheated is his word, which hasn't been very easy to trust lately. So he's having to earn my trust back. That isn't easy for me, because once trust is damaged I have a hard time trusting a person again, but I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt and work on it with him.
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  • edited December 2011
    I totally agree with you on the trust aspect and on the point that he needs to earn it once again. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that he sees the error in his ways and the counseling helps to bring things back on track. I really think it will!
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