Do any of you plan on living with your in-laws? I know it's not everybody's cup of tea and REALLY it wasn't what I thought I would be doing, but, at the end of the day this is the mutual decision we have reached...we will be living with his parents in England. Here, it's not common but in England, everybody seems to do it. I really fought it at first but now I am understanding him and this has been our biggest battle and our biggest compromise...
Does anyone have any tips? I would really appreciate some feedback. I hear so many people saying nasty things about their prospective inlaws and I don't want to be like that, but I know that for me it will be a real challenge. I know it's not for everybody and we're not the type of couple that lives in last century, but I realize that my man is loving and open and modern about everything...except for this one thing. We're not traditional or old school by any means.
My FMIL is amazing. The first day I went to their house for dinner she asked me if I cooked and I followed the AMAZING advice my aunt gave me - start how you want to finish - and I was honest. I said, "No, but I'm learning." She smiled and said "That's okay - I know how, so it doesn't matter." My partner is an amazing guy who genuinely wants to be a son to my parents and for me to be a daughter to his, and that helps the transition.
I hope you guys have something positive for me! Reading all of these message boards scares me. I know you all may understand me better because this is a part of our culture that isn't found in others.
Thanks so much!!!