Offbeat Weddings

Best/Worst Wedding Related Advice/Suggestions

What advice or suggestions have you gotten that were either
1. brilliant
2. ridiculous

bonus points if it's funny!

Re: Best/Worst Wedding Related Advice/Suggestions

  • My grandma keeps telling me that I should invite as many people as possible so I can get more presents. First, I don't care about presents. Then you have to think every couple that comes to our wedding is about $50 out of our pockets, and the average gift around here is about $20 per couple, yeah that doesn't add up. I'm not inviting random people to our wedding to get showered with gifts. 

  • GrauGrau member
    I have had the 'it's your wedding, do want you want,' when I ask people what they think about an idea. It sorta bothers me, because they reason I ask them is to get their honest opinion. And, I'll admit, some of the ideas were pretty bad.

    Oh, and even if I invite certain people, don't worry about the guest count since they most likely won't be able to come. My luck, if I did this, they will find a way to fly halfway around the world to come.

    I'm sure once I get closer, I'll home more.
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  • Best advice: Only invite people that YOU want at your wedding.  It is completely unnecessary to invite that college friend that you have not spoken to in 8 years.

    Also, pee before putting on your dress.

    Worst advice: Stop having sex with your fiance until after the wedding.
    Now why on earth would I want to do a thing like that?!?

    Also, someone told me that because we are not getting married in a church by a priest, we are going to hell, and that we should "rethink" our decision.  That was pretty bad.
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  • My father, his father and his brother kept telling us to elope. My SIL and MIL had tons of suggestions about how to better take care of them.   

    Best advise:   Remember to breathe during the ceremony and eat at the reception
    Worst advise:  A veil will complete the look  While I absolutely had to have that veil in my own head.    I hated loathed and abhorred that damn thing the day of the wedding. 

    My advise:  Wear a fingertip (or any other size) veil for a couple of hours before buying one.  
  • FMIL wants to invite like 450 people for 230 seats because "about 40-50% will say no."  Yeah, that's ridiculous.  We're gonna do our best to rein that in.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Best/Worst Wedding Related Advice/Suggestions</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have had the '<strong>it's your wedding, do want you want</strong>,' when I ask people what they think about an idea. It sorta bothers me, because they reason I ask them is to get their honest opinion. And, I'll admit, some of the ideas were pretty bad. Oh, and even if I invite certain people, don't worry about the guest count since they most likely won't be able to come. My luck, if I did this, they will find a way to fly halfway around the world to come. I'm sure once I get closer, I'll home more.
    Posted by Grau[/QUOTE]

    <div>I got this SO much and it really bothered me.  I mean, I was happy that people recognized that it was our wedding and that we could do whatever we wanted, but I just never planned our wedding with that mentality, KWIM?</div><div>
    </div><div>One of the best pieces of advice I got was: "You can't live in a wedding."  That helped put things in perspective for us.  It helped me to keep my ideas in a realist view.  When you look back on it, your centerpieces and decorations don't really matter.  The only important thing is that your guests had a good time, and that you'll be married by the end of the day.</div>
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Best/Worst Wedding Related Advice/Suggestions</a>:
    [QUOTE]FMIL wants to invite like 450 people for 230 seats because "about 40-50% will say no."  Yeah, that's ridiculous.  We're gonna do our best to rein that in.
    Posted by sessionswedding[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yeah it's been two weeks and I haven't had a single "No". A lot of the knotties on my board are getting all 'yes's" then again some have half of the people giving "no's" it's so unpredictable! I keep crossing my fingers taht we get "no's" though! lol (We paid for 118 people to eat and have enough linens, figuring that as an average, and I'd love to not go over that!)</div>
  • It wasn't advice or anything but my mother literally called and told my two uncles that their children were going to be the fg and rb respectively without even talking to me. 

    I wanted two other ppl to do it. Younger ppl. Not my 7 and 9 yo cousins. 

    So I find this out because she ask mes if I'd picked my fg, rb and I said yes I think so < adorable younger cousin and Fi's younger sister.>

     Then she says "well how about __ and __" and I said "too old, no that's ok" and she says "well, I already told your uncle's that ___ and ___ (uncle's children) were fg and rb so you can't take that back."

    *PALM TO FOREHEAD* walked away from that one.
  • There was an article on Offbeat Bride that quoted advice from a mother to a daughter.  I adore this advice.  Here is the article:

    My favorite was this (sorry about the font size--no idea how to change it!): "Weddings are never just for the bride and groom. Your wedding will be your first family reunion — of both blood and chosen family and friends. It is a celebration for the village that has raised you both to successful adulthood. We're proud of you and love you."
    "It starts out all very nice, two people promising to be together forever, I'll die when you die, my life meant nothing until you used my toothbrush. Then you start planning the wedding. Aunt Junie's allergic to milk. Uncle Momo's off his meds..."
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Best/Worst Wedding Related Advice/Suggestions</a>:
    [QUOTE]There was an article on Offbeat Bride that quoted advice from a mother to a daughter.  I adore this advice.  Here is the article:  <a href="" rel='nofollow'></a> My favorite was this (sorry about the font size--no idea how to change it!):  "Weddings are never just for the bride and groom. Your wedding will be your first family reunion — of both blood and chosen family and friends. It is a celebration for the village that has raised you both to successful adulthood. We're proud of you and love you."
    Posted by nickles26[/QUOTE]

    <div>That's adorable, and so true! I love it! =)</div>
  • awww this thread is making me laugh and smile. score!
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