EDIT: Thanks for the help everyone! It turns out that at the last minute I found Wedding Wire's RSVP which works way better. But I'm glad everyone got a kick out of putting in fake names

. And Jennyann wins the prize for guessing what's at the fake address.
Okay, I need a few guinea pigs to "RSVP" to our wedding

. I put in a fake place & time of day for the wedding, so y'all feel free to put in fake names and/or email addresses. I just want to know if you think it's simple enough or if I need to put some instructions on how to use the form.
Wedding RSVPIt's not exactly what I wanted, but to get exactly what I wanted would probably have taken me several days and at this point my feeling is "this is close enough, my guests are smart enough that they don't need me to auto-complete half of the form for them".
... and if the first person can figure out what building is at the address listed as the fake address (no using the internet to cheat!) I'll buy your first drink at the next GTG

1st year anniversary in Victoria with a killer whale topiary!