Offbeat Weddings


Who here has Halloween plans? Costumes?
Did you decorate your house?

Bonus points for pictures!!!!

We're going to be out of town so Halloween essentially isn't going ot happen for us this year :( So I am going to live vicariously through you guys lol

Re: Halloween

  • Aw no fun! Halloween is my favourite!! We aren't hosting this year but a friend of mine is having a big party. We actually announced our engagement last year at our giant Halloween party so we thought we should share the day a little ha ha. I'm hoping to go over to my friends place to decorate though. I have a lot of stuff stored up here :)
    I'm going as Katniss from the Hunger Games. I even bought a bow! Our dog is going as Trogdor ha ha. Have to add the wings and beefy arm still . I'll add pics after the big day! Also carving a Breaking Bad pumpkin :D
  • hahaha I'm stealing Trogdog!!! I'll post pics for sure :) I hope the two of you can make some time to celebrate at least a little
  • I have to write a mid-term Halloween night so I wont be able to stay home and hand out candy to all the little kiddies :( But we are going out this Saturday. This year my sister, sister in-law, and I made our Halloween costumes, we are going as Spaghetti!
  • FI and I are planning a huge party this Saturday, the house is decorated, with different themes for each room. The foyer and stairwell is infected with zombies, the basement is a doomsday shelter, the bathroom is under quarantine, and the kitchen/living room is filled with generic Halloween decorations. We spent the past weekend baking/cooking/cleaning for the party. We made so many cake pops and the kitchen floor is coated in sprinkles.

    FI is dressing as Muscles Glasses from Epic Meal Time, and I am dressing as a raccoon. I was going to dress as Thor, but there is no way I will finish my costume by Saturday, so I am reusing an old costume from 2010.

    On Halloween I am only working a half day so that I can hand out candy to the kids that come by. We live in a neighborhood with close to 70 houses, and there are tons of apartment building near by, so there is an abundance of children in adorable costumes. (I refuse to give candy to teens that don’t dress up.)


    Its not the destination so much as the journey, they say. - Captain Jack Sparrow Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I don't know if we'll dress up this year, but we're kind of last-minute Halloween people. We have decorated the porch though-cobwebs, spiders, orange & purple lights, candles, pumpkins, smoke machine, black light, strobe light :) I get a little into it. 

    Here it is last year
  • I think Sandy is going to ruin Halloween here.  We bought a bunch of candy to give out, but there may be no kids out on Wednesday. Frown 

    In terms of costumes, I'll probably reuse my flapper dress from a few years ago.  Fiance will dress up as Where's Waldo. I swear, he looks just like him. If I get my hands on a picture, I'll put it up. 
  • In Response to <a href=" Theme BoardsForum:43453af6-2ee4-412a-99fb-cbb447240911Discussion:34827d96-533a-4219-b902-9f776d797f28Post:456534ab-b7e4-4860-aa23-13e05099022b">Re: Halloween</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have to write a mid-term Halloween night so I wont be able to stay home and hand out candy to all the little kiddies :( But we are going out this Saturday. This year my sister, sister in-law, and I made our Halloween costumes, we are going as Spaghetti!
    Posted by RailWayWife[/QUOTE]

    That is so cute lol
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