Offbeat Weddings

AW something awesome

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Re: AW something awesome

  • There once was a bride named Tuck.  Tuck was having trouble getting her s**t together.  Well, last night, Tuck said, I am going to work on the favors!  Little did Tuck know, her cats, George and Tipsy, wanted to help with the favors too.  When Tuck went to get the box that housed the items for favor assembly, she found that George and Tipsy were already there.  They had managed to unravel the ribbon spools, shred the tulle circle thingies, and chew on the favor tags (thank goodness they could not get the candy bags open, that would have been real disastrous!).

    Needless to say, Tuck was less then thrilled.  Now Tuck needs to go back to Michael's and get more stuff.  Tuck also needs to remember how cunning her kitties are, and keep things out of their reach.

    The end.

    (I did not photograph the mess, but here they are in my sock drawer, definitely looking like they are up to no good)

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  • Just thought I would show you guys something cute. My kitties. Sophie and Dot.
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  • awwww i love the kitty shenanigans tuck! and the pictures of kitties from both of you make me squee. i want a kitty baby so bad. we're going to start looking for our furbaby when we move to a new apt complex that allows pets (later this summer).

    keep em coming!
  • I wanted to be mad at them, but I couldn't!  I love them too much!  And they were so cute, all wrapped up in the ribbon. 
    Anniversary Visit The Nest! my read shelf:
    Margot's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf)
  • GrauGrau member
    Aw, I love the kitty pictures. I also want one, but FI is allergic, so we need to wait til we have a bigger place where they won't kill him. So, for know I'll just stick to my geckos and my bunny.

    Speaking of cats though, I got my mom this awesome flower pot that looks like a cat.

    (picture I found online).

    Even FI thinks it is cute. I can't wait til my mom see's it on Sunday.
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  • Apparently this is turning into a kitty-related discussion, so here:

    If I started a new thread called "show me your pussy", I wonder how many pics it'd get that are not kitties...
  • aww you guys made me so happy. j'adore you all.
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