Offbeat Weddings

im so confused

oh goodness please help. i dont know how to make my wedding what i want i want it based on family since i have 3 kids but i still want things a little classy and i think im making myself more confused than i need to be any suggestions would be a huge help

Re: im so confused

  • The first thing to do is take a deep breath. Then talk to your FI and find out what you both want the wedding to be like. Remember you are getting married and everything else is icing on the cake.

    Good Luck :)
  • i would suggest following kgrungow's advice first. she is wise.

    next download a wedding planning checklist from the knot/martha stewart/wedding wire.

    they all start with these things:
    draft your ideal guest list
    develop your budget 
    decide what you can afford to host based on those two numbers. from there your theme or colors or whatever will flow naturally.

    if you don't have much to spend per person, focus on finding a catering hall or vfw hall. if you want a small, luxurious wedding, look for a restaurant with a back room you can use. 

    keep coming back here. we'll help sort you out :)
  • I agree wtih pp and to take a step back a breath. I always recommend making list of what you and FI want. My FI is rather traditional and well, I am not. We first went through and made of list of things that are important to us. Then we just built the rest around that.
  • You have plenty of time.  We decided what kind of event we wanted first.  Then FI and I looked at a lot of wedding porn together to help narrow things down to what we both liked.  We prioritzed our budget based on all of that, and are doing a lot of DIY decor b/c it only lasts one day and isn't one of our priorities. 
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