I'm having a dilemma of choosing a "traditional" white dress and going unique. I can see myself doing either and am torn. I am only wanting to spend $200 or less on a dress and this has definitely limited me in the bridal gown area, although stores have been great showing me all the bridesmaid styles available in white and I'm open to used dresses. In trying on some of these dresses, I've found I really like some of the colored versions I've tried on. Let's be honest, I don't recall one white bridal gown from another when I think back to the 10-20 weddings I've been to in the past 5 years and I don't particularly wish to blend with the crowd in other's memories. But, part of me hopes I'm not looking to be different to just be an attention whore and purposely be different. I know my fi would like if I went offbeat and I know my mom isn't thrilled, but is willing to support whatever I choose (she got her fill of "traditional" with my sis).
Here's my current whim: