Offbeat Weddings


1. What trends are you following.
2. What trends are you avoiding.
3. What trends do you hope catches on.

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Re: Trends

  • 1. Thought I was being original with espresso bar. Nope! Its all over the magazines apparently. Damn.
    Also, a combo dessert/candy bar
    2. Anything to do with stationary. Monogram this,monogram that...make sure your napkins match the color of the broach in your hair to the lone flower in your bouquet to...Come to think of it those are more traditions? Bah. Also, what's with the macaroons?
    Avoiding following or avoiding trends for the sake of them being trends, and just doing my own thing.
    3. Colored/printed wedding dresses. White doesn't equal virgin and I love to see the colors (one is green with flowers! Gorgeous!) coming through. That being said my dress is most likely white because its iconic I suppose...
    Also, tea length wedding dresses. And fun shoes.
  • GrauGrau member
    Following - Changing my last name to his. Probably the cake cutting (or whatever dessert we end up with).
    Avoiding - Walking down the aisle with a father figure. I am walking down alone, though I may have FI meet me halfway. 
    Hoping to catch on - Same as pp, colored wedding dresses.

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  • What trends are you following: Taking FI's last name, white dress and veil(Both of those FI wanted).
    What trends are you avoiding: Having my father walk me down the aisle, I'm going solo. Father/daughter, mother/son dances and all other dances besides the first dance.
    What trends do you hope catches on: Cocktail receptions! I hate sit down dinners at weddings and so hapy we are having a cocktail reception.
  • I do not think taking the name is a trend, I think that is traditional.
    Like I avoided doing the candy bar, because once it caught on, all my friends did it, same with colorful shoes.
    I did follow putting the flowers in my hair.
    I hope I started wearing a colorful dress.
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  • i'm so mad that cupcakes caught on. i have wanted to do that instead of cake for 10 years. grumble grumble.

  • 1. My dad is walking me down the aisle.
    2. Candy buffet, colored shoes, photobooth, first look.
    3. Color dresses with everyone else!
    **TTCAL** A little Irish cuteness- Cillian Murphy
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  • 1. What trends are you following.
    I will be honest and say I do not really keep up with trends, but I am doing a fake cake with sheet cakes in the back. My venue doesn't serve the cake anyways so people have to take it home.

    My dress is also going to be convertible.

    2. What trends are you avoiding.
     The choreographed dance into the ceremony and reception.

    3. What trends do you hope catches on.
    Colored dresses and e-invites
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Trends</a>:
    [QUOTE]1.<strong> My dad is walking me down the aisle. </strong>2. Candy buffet, colored shoes, photobooth, first look. 3. Color dresses with everyone else!
    Posted by uneek1323[/QUOTE]

    That is a tradition, not a trend. Like dancing down the aisle is a trend.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Trends</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Trends : That is a tradition, not a trend. Like dancing down the aisle is a trend.
    Posted by JessieR933[/QUOTE]
    Yeah I know, but I couldn't think of anything else.
    **TTCAL** A little Irish cuteness- Cillian Murphy
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    TTC #1 since December 2011
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  • I guess I'm not following any trends. Everything I can think of is tradition.
    **TTCAL** A little Irish cuteness- Cillian Murphy
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    TTC #1 since December 2011
    Dx: Hypothyroidism, PCOS, one test away from confirming DOR
    BFP #1 1/16/12 EDD 9/16/12 m/c 1/26/12 }Sweet Pea{
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  • Ha. Fair enough
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  • 1.) I don't know if it's necessarily a trend, but we're doing a lemonade bar of sorts with a variety of flavored/infused lemonades.

    2.) As of right now, I'm not doing colored shoes anymore.  I may be wearing some awesome colored socks though :)

    3.) Outdoor receptions.  I know some people do it, but it seems like more people have them indoors.
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  • 1. if we can scratch together the money, a photobooth
    2. cupcakes - i love cupcakes but i love wedding cake more!
    3. electronic invites. we are using paperlesspost, they are aweseome to work with so far!
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  • 1. What trends are you following.
    I have crazy shoes, not colored...just insanely crazy/beautiful it was my chance to splurge on designer shoes so I took it lol. 

    2. What trends are you avoiding.
    Photobooth, too expensive.
    Cupcakes, I'm a cupcake enthusiast, but it's not wedding-y. That and FBIL is having cupcakes at their wedding in September. 
    Candy bar, I heard it costs a ton! and I love our favors a lot more. 
    First look, I want that moment to be even more special. I'm going to have MOH be a messenger to give FI a love letter before the ceremony. 

    3. What trends do you hope catches on.
    Balloons for BMs to carry is cool, but then again I love how original it is and the selfish part of me doesn't want everyone else doing it lol. 
    I hope live rock bands become a trend haha, Fi wants us to have a formal mosh pit and all...we'll see....haha.

    I just wish people would stop with all of the trends, you're going to look back and be like..."oh yeah that was that time period where everyone did taht at their wedding until we realized it wasn't that cool". I think avoiding tradition and trends and being completely out of the box is awesome and more brides should stop worrying about things being picture perfect. My wedding party (as well as us) are being introduced at the reception to the metal cover of Mortal Kombat's theme song, is everyone going to love it? Absolutely not, but we're going to get a kick out of it so we don't care if we get the side eye. I think more brides should have that attitude!
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