
DIY Help! Birdcage Veil?

DIY freaks me out. I am not a DIY type person: I totally lack the patience for crafty/artsy things and kind of epic fail at crafty things that aren't web-programming based or photography.

I'm thinking I want a birdcage veil for my legal ceremony this summer, but I'm not really sure where I can get what I want. I'm assuming Michaels or Joanns for most of it, but I'm having trouble finding a local place to get french/russian veil/netting type things other than raiding some place that has stiff fishnets which would be all kinds of wrong.

Some of the things I'm looking for but fail at finding:

* the flower in sarack's flower pin thing (fascinator?)
* french or russian veil netting type deals.
* clear combs
* rhinestones or cute pearly things
* maybe fluffy feathers (?)

Help? Please? ^^;;;;

imageLilypie Maternity tickers

Re: DIY Help! Birdcage Veil?

  • edited December 2011

    so i have some netting that you can buy from me if you want. and i'll totally teach you how to make one of those flowers for less than 5 bucks. :) I bought the netting for 13 and decided not to use it so i'll sell it to you if you want. i'll also throw in the comb and thread that i was using too. I have no use for it. Let me know if you're interested.

    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker we're having twins!
  • edited December 2011
    hey Pacific fabrics at Northgate is having a veil making class on June 12th that I'm going to.  Mine is bird cage DIY.  too bad my wedding is a week later so I better not mess up!!!
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