Offbeat Weddings

We bought the ring!

Mr.Owl and I went shopping on Saturday and he bought the ring! We went to this awesome antique store that has tons of gorgeous art deco jewelry and tried on several pieces. One ring that we had tried on before (that I swooned over) was still there and after trying on all the others, this was definitely the one. We negotiated and got a fantastic price. It was so great to do it together. He paid for it and then they put it in a box and into a bag. SO took the bag and we talked a little about how long he would hold onto it. he kept telling me 'soon' and finally explained that soon means 1-2 months. it was such a great experience for both of us and i just can't stop smiling. now i get to wait patiently until i'm officially an offbeat bride! 
did any of you shop with your SO?

Re: We bought the ring!

  • GrauGrau member
    Wooo! How exciting! I can't wait to see pictures of it when you get engaged.

    Me and FI went to a few jewelry stores so he got an idea of what I like (basically a colored gemstone and a twisty band). I never actually knew when he went and bought a ring until he proposed the following day.

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  • We window shopped a lot in Vegas, so he knew what I wanted. And then when he was designing one, I went to the store and tried on one similar to make sure it fit.
    He had a pictue of the one I loved and designed my ring off of the one we found in Vegas for a quarter of the price
  • First he proposed with no ring, then he gave me his moms ring (but it was from a divorce, and I didn't want a cursed ring to start off our marriage, silly but that's the way I felt). So then we went ring shopping and found a great ring for a great price, from a great local jeweler.
  • That is so exciting. I can't wait to see it.
  • OMG!!! That is so exciting! I can't want to hear how he proposes!!

    When FI proposed he used his high school ring. We then went ring shopping together, so he could get an idea of what I liked. He then went back and picked out the ring and proposed again with it. I'm happy we picked it out together because he would have picked out something I wouldn't have liked. LOL
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Soooo excited for you! That's awesome that they still had the ring you wanted! :)

    DH picked out my ring himself, he wanted everything to be a surprise. Except that he sucks at surprises.
    Me: What did you do while I was at class tonight?
    Him: I uh... went to... the store.
    Haha, he's lame and I love him :)

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  • I showed him what I wanted... Ha.
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  • oh awesome! thats so exciting! 

    no, he picked it out with his dad. he asked what i liked, but after talking to a jeweler, he ended up getting something completely different because they said it would have better wear for longer, and i love it! he did a great job!
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  • that's so awesome miss owl!! :)

    me and FI went together to pick out a ring. it was a big financial decision, so he wanted to make sure i was 100% in love with it. i'm glad we got to do it together, it was a really special experience, and even though that limbo time between us getting the ring and him proposing was TORTURE in retrospect it was a good lesson for me in patience ;)

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  • Haha AraDesi, your H sounds like my FI :) the man can't keep a secret!

    How exciting Owl! LOVE the shoes in your sig!

    We shopped together so he could see what I liked, then he went without telling me and bought a ring, which he then surprised me with. It was awesome :)
  • In Response to <a href=" Theme BoardsForum:43453af6-2ee4-412a-99fb-cbb447240911Discussion:fc8124c0-1536-48b2-a7bc-e621aa048f3aPost:08e3e76d-19d0-4749-805f-4fd64fba8b40">Re: We bought the ring!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I showed him what I wanted... Ha.
    Posted by JessieR933[/QUOTE]
    Same here, lol.
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  • We went to multiple stores together so that he had a lot of options and I could be surprised about which ring it was.  I was really stuck on wanting to be surprised. 

    I was more surprised over how he proposed though.  Even though I knew he was going to ask at some point, he totally caught me off guard with a proposal that was very personal to our relationship.   I'm getting misty-eyed just thinking about it! 
  • Yay Miss Owl!  Cant wait to see pics either..
    We went to a few stores looking at things, but in the end I designed it myself.  It's completely original and totally me.  He wanted to make sure it was something I would love, but I know he likes it too.
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