My partner and I have been talking about getting married for a long time now. In the passed couple months though we've actually started the real planning. She's been gone to Mass. for 6 weeks while I stayed here in Florida. Though we know the main part of our whole wedding deal there was never a proposal... until now. She's on a flight home right now. I go pick her up from the airport at 3. What she doesn't know is I bought her a ring about a month ago. The other night I bought her an orchid plant and 2 cupcakes from our favorite and BEST cupcake shop in Jacksonville. I'm putting the ring in the box with the cupcakes and leaving them on the table with the flower for when she gets home. Even though I know there's no chance of her saying no, I'm utterly completely nervous right now. I've wanted to talk about it here for WEEKS but I was scared she was gonna see it. Now that she's on the plane and won't see this site until she gets home. HERE IT IS! I'm so excited.