Gay Weddings

The Proposal

My partner and I have been talking about getting married for a long time now. In the passed couple months though we've actually started the real planning. She's been gone to Mass. for 6 weeks while I stayed here in Florida. Though we know the main part of our whole wedding deal there was never a proposal... until now. She's on a flight home right now. I go pick her up from the airport at 3. What she doesn't know is I bought her a ring about a month ago. The other night I bought her an orchid plant and 2 cupcakes from our favorite and BEST cupcake shop in Jacksonville. I'm putting the ring in the box with the cupcakes and leaving them on the table with the flower for when she gets home. Even though I know there's no chance of her saying no, I'm utterly completely nervous right now. I've wanted to talk about it here for WEEKS but I was scared she was gonna see it. Now that she's on the plane and won't see this site until she gets home. HERE IT IS! I'm so excited. :D

Re: The Proposal

  • amyandmereamyandmere member
    edited December 2011
    that is so amazing! yay!! congrats, its the best feeling in the world...
  • alisonzalisonz member
    edited December 2011
    that sounds lovely!please report back and tell us how it goes (although we know its going to be awesome!)

    alison + irene | 10-10-10 | Studio 450

    My Big Fat Gay Wedding

    Pro Photos
  • edited December 2011
    congrats I hope all goes well.  she will be surpise good luck
  • niklynn622niklynn622 member
    edited December 2011
    how cute and surprising for her! Congrats!!
  • Stiney358Stiney358 member
    edited December 2011
    It went awesome! I picked her up at the airport and we were waiting for her bags that were delayed because of the rain. She pointed out a couple who were both on phones. She told me the guy had just proposed to the woman. My stomach was all fluttery because I had the ring in my purse. We had to wait an hour for the bags so we went and got something to eat. While we're sitting there a woman is prancing around with a Bride Tiara from a bachelorette party on. We FINALLY get home and I made her wait in the car so I could put the Orchid on the table. (Our cats will eat flowers so I had to put it in the bathroom until we got home). I put the ring in the cupcake box and the flower on the table. I was DYING as she oooooed over the orchid then loved on the cats. We went upstairs and I grabbed the cupcake box and took it with us. I couldn't stand it anymore and handed her the cupcake box. So we're sitting there talking wedding talk when she opens the box. :D Lots of happiness. We were so excited that we started munching on the cupcakes and I completely forgot to get a picture of her holding the wedding cake flavored one that I bought especially for the occasion. Now I have an excuse to get more cupcakes. :D
  • edited December 2011
    That's so sweet... congratulations!
  • alisonzalisonz member
    edited December 2011

    alison + irene | 10-10-10 | Studio 450

    My Big Fat Gay Wedding

    Pro Photos
  • 2dBride2dBride member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    You definitely did better than I did!  NotFroofy and I hadn't really talked about getting married much, because it was only three days after MA opened up marriage to same-sex couples when we got engaged.  I was really feeling nervous that she'd say no.  Even though I knew she wanted to spend her life with me, the legalities of marriage for gays are still a bit daunting.  I was so nervous all day, she could see that something was up, and thought I was mad at her.  I finally sat her down on the bed and said something really articulate like, "Umm, so what would you think of the idea of getting married?"  There wasn't even a ring (and both of us later agreed we didn't want one).Fortunately, NotFroofy understood that my panic was just a sign of how much I care about her, and has showed no disappointment with the form of the proposal.
  • edited December 2011
    congrats to you two way to go.  when he proposal to me I was laying on his bed and was about half a sleep and I felt something being slide on to my hand I was like what is going on and then he was on one asking me to spend my life with him.
  • edited December 2011
    I proposed to Gayle March 15 atop Mt. Tom in New Hampshire's White Mountains.  It was a beautiful clear, calm day and we had snowshoed up and were the only ones up there, enjoying the view and standing on top of so many feet of snow that only the tops of the trees were poking through!  :)
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