Gay Weddings

Way too quiet around here...

What's your latest wedding-related drama?I'll go first!This morning, we argued about shoes.  Her bridesmaids want to wear red converse with their red cocktail-length bridesmaid dresses.  At first I was appalled, because we're having a pretty formal wedding, but we compromised... fun shoes for some fun photos and for the reception, but to walk down the aisle, dress shoes, please.  I actually got used to the idea and I think it will be really fun.  The photographer will love it.Then this morning, my partner tells me that her girls have decided to wear black converse instead.  Mind you, I've already told my girls that we're going with red.  Our wedding colors are red & brown... black fits in nowhere.  Plus, I think it's one thing to have funky shoes for fun photos... but black sneakers?  Where's the fun in that?

Re: Way too quiet around here...

  • 2dBride2dBride member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    The closest thing we've had to drama involves a couple of friends who said they'd take wedding photos for us.  When they moved to Hawaii several months ago, we said they should not consider themselves still obligated, but they told us that they would definitely do it anyway.  Then they missed the RSVP deadline, and when we contacted them to follow up, told us they weren't going to be able to be there.Fortunately, we had already decided to get a professional photographer at least for the ceremony and formals afterward, and we're ok with nonpro pictures for the reception.  So it's not all that much drama, but it's the best I can offer.
  • Stiney358Stiney358 member
    edited December 2011
    For my sister's wedding we had nice shoes for the ceremony and for the reception she gave us all pink converse to go with our dresses. She also had a white jeweled pair she wore for the reception. But yeah black sneakers don't really fit.
  • alisonzalisonz member
    edited December 2011
    mine is more of a vent... tonight we went to a cocktail party thrown by one of the caterers we are considering for the reception. I'd gotten an estimate and spoken a lot with the owners, etc.We get there and there was no food out and one waitress walking around with sad little pizzas. The food was sparse and mediocre at best. I should add that this was *not* an inexpensive caterer. Needless to say, we wont be using them :(

    alison + irene | 10-10-10 | Studio 450

    My Big Fat Gay Wedding

    Pro Photos
  • edited December 2011
    We invited too many people thinking that alot of them wouldn't be able to come.  So far we have gotten all yes RSVP's except for one celebrity we invited just to get his autograph!  We won't be over capacity, it will just be alot more expensive.
  • edited December 2011
    we are having the same problem, too many people (thanks to our mothers who want to keep adding people) and we are totally going over budget... I keep reminding my mother that every time she thinks of someone else to invite.  "How did we get to those numbers?" as if she doesn't know.and after several more "discussions" we are back to red converse.
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