Gay Weddings

Looking for a gay friendly vendor in missouri

Can  not find any gay friendly vendors for ceremony in missouri.  Looking somewhere in st. louis or lake of the ozarks area and would prefer an outdoor setting. Trying to stay within a budget as well.  Anyone have any suggestions?

Re: Looking for a gay friendly vendor in missouri

  • 2dBride2dBride member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    A couple of suggestions:

    1.  Check with your local board.  This board is international, so most of us know nothing about Missouri vendors.

    2.  Don't limit yourself to vendors known to be gay-friendly.  Particularly in a state that does not have legal gay marriage, vendors may never have been asked to do a same-sex wedding--but they may rise to the occasion if asked.  If you check with your local board, then just call up good vendors and ask if they are willing to deal with a same-sex wedding, you may well be surprised by how many of them are delighted to help.  Of course, if any of them are hostile, you can just take them off your list.
  • edited December 2011
    I live in MO, and would recommend Columbia, Mo. College town, very receptive, and tons of outdoor locations, especially at or around the undversity(MU). I have 2 friends that got married in a local park here a couple of years ago.
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