Gay Weddings

Too Many Questions

I am new to this idea of having a wedding because I never thought I would, but now that I am, I am planning two years in advance! HA! The biggest problem I'm having is figuring out what to wear. We don't want dresses, but we don't want suits. So now, I'm lost. We are having a completely DIY wedding in my mom's backyard and I don't want it to be completely casual but we both love comfort.

Also, did anyone out there worry about the kiss? I have never shown any affection in front of my very "straight" edged family and I don't want anyone to find themselves feeling umcomfortable. Any suggestions? Thanks knotters :)

Re: Too Many Questions

  • well...  wear what makes you feel comfortable. If that is pants and a nice shirt, or somethign more formal.  As far as the kiss... honestly... it's your wedding.  You should be affectionate. Anyone that is uncomfortable with that should keep their butts at home.
  • chrmunchrmun member

    I have thought about this too.  Not the dress thing, but the kiss thing.  It's weird, because both of our families are awesome and it's not like we haven't kissed in public before, but.... I dunno.
    I figure we'll probably do it, but still.  I bet it's a little weird.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker White Knot
  • I worried about the kiss and first dance but when you are in the moment and finally married you forget everyone and everything around you.....focus on your future wife or husband...its the mose amazing feeling ever.  Hindsight I should have never been worried about it!
  • Unfortunately, her family isn't ok with our relationship, but mine is very supportive. The only issue is, that we don't really do the kissing in public thing. The only thing we have ever done is hold hands. You are all right, it is to be the happiest day of MY life, not theirs. I guess it's just nice to see that other's have had the same worries as I.
  • I know you were asking other gay couples for their perspective, so sorry for throwing in the straight person perspective, but if I was invited to any form of a wedding I would assume there would be at the very least a kiss. It sucks her family isn't as supportive or on board but that's their problem; don't hold back your love and affection on your wedding day due to other people. If people are that uncomfortable by displays of love then I'm sure it's already crossed their mind that the wedding will have a kiss and they'll make their decision as to whether or not they want to go. If they show up then I would assume they've "braced" themselves to see a kiss. 

    I'm sure there's no straight couple out there who held back on kissing each other on their wedding day because they had gay friends/family in attendance. I think it's really nice of you to even consider your families comfort level at the wedding, but again it's your wedding day! If you have to deny your affection on that day, then what's the point? 

    Sorry for the ramblings and hopefully I didn't say anything offensive. I know that things are never simple, especially if you're trying to keep the families from feeling uncomfortable, but I really hope you have an awesome wedding day and the two of you get to express yourselves in a way that makes you comfortable. 
  • lisaphillianlisaphillian member
    First Comment
    edited June 2012

    Wear what you normally would wear, if she likes a mini then a mini it should be, these ladies went totally beach and each wore an outfit of cool summer gauze.  And this is what they normally would have worn ... only they picked white.  Just a thought.

    And by the way this was the first kiss their family saw !  and you know the family  cheered and clapped.  Welcome to the world of equality.

    Reverend Lisa
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