So we are less than a month away from our "froofy" ceremony and almost a month away from our legal one! We went down to DC today to pick up our certificate...45 minutes into it, wife to be about slammed on the brakes in the middle of the highway to inform me that she forgot the paper proving that you paid all of your fees and could pick up the certificate!! Luckily, after calling down to them, they said they could just make a duplicate...Thank goodness! We were just far enough from home that I didn't want to turn around! But we got down there and picked it up with no problems, and our officiant's paperwork went through so we are ready to go!
And yesterday we had our engagement shoot with our photographer, so I can't wait to see how those turn out! This week is filled with listening to music to figure out what we want at the ceremony, working on programs, and starting to bug the people who haven't RSVP'd!! Only 26 more days!!