I have two mothers and I couldn't be more proud of my family. My fiance is 100% accepting of my family background and I feel very fortunate for that. His family, however, is another story. They are VERY openly homophobic, and I often feel uncomfortable in their presence. They do not know about my family, and I would like to keep it that way to keep their relationship with their son intact. My parents know their view points, and seem uneasy about meeting his family as a result. My fiance wants to hold a "meeting of the families" sort of thing with our sets of parents pre-wedding, and I really don't think it's a good idea. I told him I would rather wait to bring the families together in a bigger event, where my parents will blend in more and feel more comfortable than being sat at a table with two people who are openly against and often downright hateful about same sex couples. He says I am acting hateful towards his family but I feel like I am just trying to protect my moms and keep them from having to face hatred at what should be a happy affair. I think our wedding should be a celebration and not a chance for his family to demean mine or tell their son he is "evil" (one of their favorite words) for supporting my mothers. I would like any input on this situation. What do you think I should do, or what would be a fair compromise? I am going to talk to my parents about it soon, but I would like some ideas before I do.