Are you out to your co workers? has your workplace excepted you taking vacation for a honeymoon, if you have asked?
Here is my issue....i am out to my boss and most of my co workers, but i work in childcare and neither the kids or families know i am gay. Some of them know I am getting married but when the subject of who i am marrying come up i quickly change it. The other part of this is i am in 40's and was married to a man and have three grown children, and some of them know my kids and just assume i am marrying another man. I am very proud of my girlfriend and that we can legally get married but at the same time i am afraid if i come out to the parents they will pull their children from the program. I work with school age children so they are between the ages of 5 and 10. I was fired from a job a week after i got engaged from another child care center so when i started at this one i was up front and honest with them in my interview about who i was marrying and they have always stood behind me and said to let them know if any negetive comments come from co workers or parents.
My hesitstion comes from this...I have overheard and been involved in conversations with the kids and co workers about using the words gay and lesbian. The older kids already have opinions about what those words mean as well as my co workers. Here is an example- one of my co workers heard a conversation between two kids using the word lesbian and she told them never to use that word it was a BAD word. Now she knows i am gay and said it in front of me, granted the kids were not using it correctly but she could have handled it differently in my opinion.
This has become an issue because we are about eight weeks away from our wedding and i am taking a week and half off from work and want to be honest with the children and their parents about what i am doing in that time.
sorry this is so long i am just curious to see what your thoughts are about this. thank you!