My partner and I are planning to join households just after the honeymoon. We currently live about 2 miles apart, she owns a home that I'll be moving into with my son and I rent a house. As you can imagine, we already have two households worth of furnishings and will have to consolidate. Wait...make that three: she moved her mother in with her post-cancer after building an in-law space onto the back of her home (so there's a real blended family for you!).
Seriously, we don't NEED anything! If anything I'd like to hand every one of our 100+ guests something that we need to get rid of! How do we deal with a registry without making it look like we're simply asking for cash? The best thing would be to register for fun things to do on our honeymoon (we're going to South Kona, HI) but I don't know how to go about that. Any ideas?
"You ask me what I came here to do. I will tell you. I came to live out loud." ~Emile Zola