Gay Weddings

Mother in Law Issues

My future wife and I have been together for 5 years and we will be getting married next May. Up until about 2 years ago, I got along great with my future MIL. Then, she started seeing her future wife, who does not get along with my mom or my mom's future wife (Yes, it is exactly as it mother is a lesbian and so is my partner's). Now, it seems as though my future MIL is saying and doing things that make it pretty obvious that she doesn't care for me anymore, and that she doesn't want us to be together...from blatantly asking my fiancée if she needs a break from me yet, to suggesting that we need to learn how to live together without anyone else...which would involve kicking her youngest daughter out of our home (We have an agreement with her, that after we are married, she has to find her own place). Her partner has also been rude to me, mocking my job and talking about my mother. The list goes on. My fiancée is not a confrontational person at all, and generally neither am I. I don't know what to do about this, because for the life of me I can not figure out what I did or said that would make them treat me like this. I don't know how to proceed with planning the wedding when I feel like a major person in my fiancee's life isn't going to support us anymore. I am open to any suggestions.

Re: Mother in Law Issues

  • I am so sorry that you are going through this.  You need to know that this is you and your fiancee's lives. Your happiness should depend on both of you and sadly not even on her family or on how they treat you.   Half my family is  not attending my wedding  and are praying that it does not work out.  But I will not keep my life on hold til they resolve their  homophobia. I know  homophobis is not your issue, but still,  this is about your life and they should not prevent you from planning your wedding and being excited about starting a new life with the person you have loved  for so long and will continue to love. 

    Good luckSmile
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