Gay Weddings

July 29th!

We are getting married Friday July 29th.  For some reason our biggest issue right now is trying to figure out where to have the ceremony.  We have a great venue for the reception and could do it there, but it's all one big room and I like the idea of having the ceremony somewhere else beforehand.  We also thought of doing it outdoors, but are worried about weather being a factor.  Any thoughts?

Re: July 29th!

  • Fabi&NitaFabi&Nita member
    edited December 2011
    Our Wedding is on July 6, 2012 and we are having an outdoor ceremony and reception. I'm not sure how the weather is in your area but if its not to hot I would say go for it!! I just love outdoor ceremonies :)
    The venue that we picked out is right by the water so it makes it a bit cool, it gets pretty hot in our area. We will have the ceremony and the reception all in the same place :)
    Good luck!


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  • K&J64K&J64 member
    edited December 2011
    Plan an outdoor ceremony - but make sure there's an acceptable Plan B (another location, tents whatever) in case of rain!

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