
Reception Staffing Question

Have anyone used a staffing service for a reception? 

I think life would be easier if we had staff to help set up and serve- We can break down the room afterwards no problem. 

Any suggestions? Pricing would be awesome 

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Re: Reception Staffing Question

  • zoiesmurfzoiesmurf member
    edited December 2011
    Have you picked a caterer? Many times the caterer comes with serving staff.

    We are planning to do a lot of the set up ourselves with the help of a DOC if we decide to hire one. I would check with your venue about staff help for set up. Even though our venue doesn't do set up/take down, they do have workers you can hire to help out, so maybe your venue does too. Or they atleast might have recommendations for a service that has been used there in the past successfully.
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  • edited December 2011
    Like you, I am wondering how to staff our receptions.  Mostly because I don't think it's fair to ask our parents to help, we will all be doing a lot of meeting and greeting.  I would think that an actual staffing service would be quite expensive, if the workers at making $10 hours you are likely paying the agency $20-$25/hr per server.

    We are having our reception in the town my furture in-laws live in and I might ask my them if they know people that could help out for cash under the table.

    Hope this helps.

  • sparent2010sparent2010 member
    edited December 2011
    Zoie- We are having a sushi chef and Korean food delivered but since it is sat night I don't think the restaurant has extra staff. 

    I found - Invidsible hostest and seattle@foodteamstaff.com 

     Idk what we are going to do but luckily I have time :D
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