I picture my dream wedding in September with all the pretty fall colors and nice weather. I wanted a rustic country-like reception and the 2 places I looked are both booked for September 2012. The original place I loved is an big old barn that has an old school, old church, lots of property and another old barn, it's booked from March 2012-the middle of November 2012. The second place is not as nice but it was my option two, they have two dates to choose from August 25, 2012, and October 27, 2012. I've weighed the pros and cons and decided August 25 was perfect. I called and booked it and my fiance just told me that August 25 is his friends wedding day and one of his groomsmen is in his wedding party, plus we are probably going to be invited to his wedding. Now I'm really stuck! I had my mind made up for August 25 but now all we have left is October 27. Another option would be the have it at my house. My parents own a greenhouse company and are currently bulding an addition onto it. i don't want this wedding to become more expensive than it should be. We're looking at about 200 guests as well. I don't know what I should do!