
Still Looking for a Venue...Only Ten Months to Go :( Help?

Warning: This is a long post!

So I am STILL looking for a budget wedding venue. In order to keep my mother happy, it needs to be within an hour drive from Enumclaw. To keep my wallet happy, it needs to be less than $1,500 for the ceremony, rehearsal, AND reception (they can be separate locations, but that is how much I can pay for both). It needs to be large enough for around 100 guests, and it has to have indoor/ covered seating (the wedding is in May).

I found a few places that will fit, but they have some major problems. One of the most promising locations is the Chalet, a local theatre. The total cost of the ceremony location is $100 (that's right...just 100 bucks for the entire ceremony AND rehearsal). There are two very large problems with this ceremony location. First, my MOH and many of my guests think the old theatre is nasty and dirty (it isn't dirty...it is a 1930s theatre). I really don't want people to think my ceremony location is a dump! Second, the seating is laid out like well, a theatre. There are two aisles and three seating "sections" facing a center stage. In other words, I don't get to walk down a center aisle. We thought about roping off the side sections and making everyone sit in the center (no brides side/ grooms side). Then, the girls would walk down the aisle closest to the girl's dressing room/ bathroom, and the guys would walk down the aisle closest to the men's bathroom. I really wanted a center aisle, though. Any ideas?

Also, is it really that horrible to have my reception at a fieldhouse or some sort of danish hall/ swiss lodge? I have heard guests complain about those sorts of places, but I really don't have the money to rent out a ballroom! Any ideas? Thank you all so much for your help!

Re: Still Looking for a Venue...Only Ten Months to Go :( Help?

  • edited December 2011

    The location/venue is such a huge part of your wedding that I think you really need to love it.  Regarding the Chalet, I'm sure you could "make it work" but it sounds like you have enough doubts about it to warrant continuing your search.  I've seen plenty of brides enter from the sides, down stairs, etc. and not down a middle aisle.  However, if you really want that you should look for a place that can accomodate that vision of yours.

    Here are some other places in the South Sound that I know of.  I'm not entirely sure on fees but I think many of them might fit your $1500 budget.
     - The Hansen Place, Sumner
     - Pioneer Park Pavilion, Puyallup
     - The Attic, Sumner
     - McMillin Grange, Orting/Puyallup
     - Fruitland Grange, Puyallup
     - High Cedars Golf Course, Orting
    There's the Liberty Theater in Puyallup too but I think that might be past your budget.

    I've been to events at both the granges before and with some effort you can definitely spruce them up.  Sometimes it does cost more to decorate halls/lodges like that.

    Good luck!

  • edited December 2011
    I am doing mine at the Pioneer Pavillion and it will hold both an indoor ceremony and reception. 
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  • irshis20irshis20 member
    edited December 2011
    How much is Lake Wilderness Lodge?

    I'm assuming by $1,500 for ceremony and reception that you don't mean including food/bev, right? Only rental fee?
  • edited December 2011
    Lake Wilderness lodge is insanely expensive. We are not serving dinner (appetizers only) and we aren't serving much in the way of alcohol, so no, that does not include food/ drink. It does, however, include the cost of chairs. If a venue requires me to rent chairs at a cost, then the price needs to be around $1000. 
  • edited December 2011
    Oy. I think you'll be hard pressed to find much beyond parks and community centers. I would second Pioneer Park. But also...

    When we were looking for venues, my mom suggested the Auburn Senior Center and at first I was like, "Yeah, not even gonna look..." But actually it's a newer building and seems pretty nice. And it's right in a park! Here's a link....


    On a sidenote, I've been to a wedding reception at a senior center. Not bad, really :o)
  • edited December 2011
    Druid's Glen Golf Course in Kent looks like it's $1500 during peak season for Ceremony & Reception. But I think they have a food minimum ...

    1st year anniversary in Victoria with a killer whale topiary!
  • irshis20irshis20 member
    edited December 2011

    I once went to a wedding at the longhouse at the King County Fairgrounds (Enumclaw). That was fine, and her family catered it so apparently catering is totally open.

  • edited December 2011
    I live in Orting! The gold course is beautiful and its very scenic:) I live right down the road. A lof of my friends have had weddings there. I'm not exactly sure about prices, though.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm not 100% on the prices but I love to try to get people to use venues I love but won't fit into... :)

    How about Sole Repair: http://www.solerepairshop.com
    Uptown Hideaway: http://www.uptownhideaway.com/

    If you are willing to do Tacoma, you should fit into The Pagoda or the Point Defiance Lodge.

    Or the Freemont Abbey: http://www.fremontabbey.org/rentals/page20.php
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    None of those places work for me. Unfortunately, it looks like my only option is a rundown hall for the reception and an ugly theatre for my ceremony :( I think I might just give up entirely. It is impossible to have a nice looking wedding on my budget :( 
  • edited December 2011
    Since you obviously have not sent out invites yet (and hopefully not the STDs yet) how about cutting back on the number of guests and having the wedding somewhere.  Most people will understand if they are not invited due to the cost.  I have a good old friend of mine just get married yesterday and DH and I were not invited because it was a VERY small wedding and they were unable to attend ours, and I completely understood.  Yes, I was bummed, but I totally understood the situation.  We plan to meet up in a couple months to swap pictures and catch up.  As one of my favorite sayings go "Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter."

    One other option is The Landmark Convention Center in Tacoma on the water: http://www.tacomaslandmark.com/Gallery/roofgarden/roofgarden.html The rooftop ballroom might work. You'll need to email them for their rates and they only do catering in-house, but I've heard they are reasonably priced and the food is good. I think they might be in the range you are looking for for the venue.  HTH & GL! 
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  • irshis20irshis20 member
    edited December 2011
    They won't work for you, or you don't like them? I can't imagine the fieldhouse at the Enumclaw Expo Center (formerly KC Fairgrounds) is $1,500 to rent. It is actually really pretty from the outside, IMO, and it's an historic building: http://enumclawexpocenter.com/fieldhouse.html

    You can hold the rehearsal anywhere, btw. It doesn't have to be at the venue.
  • edited December 2011
    It is $150/hr to rent. We will need about 8 hrs or so for the whole thing, including set up and tear down. Hourly rentals add up fast. 
  • irshis20irshis20 member
    edited December 2011
    Well, that adds up to $1,200. Just sayin'.
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