Warning: This is a long post!
So I am STILL looking for a budget wedding venue. In order to keep my mother happy, it needs to be within an hour drive from Enumclaw. To keep my wallet happy, it needs to be less than $1,500 for the ceremony, rehearsal, AND reception (they can be separate locations, but that is how much I can pay for both). It needs to be large enough for around 100 guests, and it has to have indoor/ covered seating (the wedding is in May).
I found a few places that will fit, but they have some major problems. One of the most promising locations is the Chalet, a local theatre. The total cost of the ceremony location is $100 (that's right...just 100 bucks for the entire ceremony AND rehearsal). There are two very large problems with this ceremony location. First, my MOH and many of my guests think the old theatre is nasty and dirty (it isn't dirty...it is a 1930s theatre). I really don't want people to think my ceremony location is a dump! Second, the seating is laid out like well, a theatre. There are two aisles and three seating "sections" facing a center stage. In other words, I don't get to walk down a center aisle. We thought about roping off the side sections and making everyone sit in the center (no brides side/ grooms side). Then, the girls would walk down the aisle closest to the girl's dressing room/ bathroom, and the guys would walk down the aisle closest to the men's bathroom. I really wanted a center aisle, though. Any ideas?
Also, is it really that horrible to have my reception at a fieldhouse or some sort of danish hall/ swiss lodge? I have heard guests complain about those sorts of places, but I really don't have the money to rent out a ballroom! Any ideas? Thank you all so much for your help!