Christian Weddings

I wish we had Dunkin Donuts in England.

I could SO go for one right now.

Re: I wish we had Dunkin Donuts in England.

  • I wish we had one closer. It's the only place I can get strawberry iced donuts.

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  • Eeew no... Krispy Kreme is the way to go! :) lol
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  • I don't go to DDs for the Donuts.. it's for the iced coffee.... Mmmm.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: I wish we had Dunkin Donuts in England.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Eeew no... Krispy Kreme is the way to go! :) lol
    Posted by SugarFoote[/QUOTE]

    We have one right down the road, it's so hard not to go there everything the light comes on. haha

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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: I wish we had Dunkin Donuts in England.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: I wish we had Dunkin Donuts in England. : We have one right down the road, it's so hard not to go there everything the light comes on. haha
    Posted by peachykeen26[/QUOTE]

    The closet one to me is in Knoxville which is about 1 hour away...So if I see a KK with the HOT light on...I make a run for it :)

    This spring at the the beach, my cousin actually downloaded an app on her phone for KK. It notified her when the hot light came on lol. Those people got to know us  well before we left.
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  • I do enjoy a good KK - but we get those in England so it's not as exciting.
  • We used to have DD but we don't have them anymore.  I miss the powdered sugar donuts with the chocolate frosting filling.  Mmmmm.
  • Ha, I live in Boston where there is one on every corner, and I've never bought anything from there.  I probably should...
  • Their iced coffee is the best.
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