Christian Weddings


Well FI finally got it out of her what her deal was. Supposedly, she was crying to FI I had judged her lifestyle. Well, I will admit over Christmas dinner she called the blessing of the meal offensive and announced to FI's whole family that she had slept with my ex-H and several of my boyfriends while I was with them. I was quite taken aback by that. And I may have quickly left and been kind of cold to her. She also wanted to move in with Fi and I, I told her to have a solid financial plan. She wanted me to get her a job where I work, but I told her I would vouch for her only if she could pass a test that I knew she could not at the time. I will not put my career in jeopardy for anyone, not even FI, over someones personal decision.

I find these accusations interesting now, and have let it roll off my back. I am a live and let live person with everyone. My FI has been laying into her for being unemployable because of her decisions and having a college degree and her deadbeat boyfriend. I have been telling him to back off of her to find herself, no more.
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Re: FSIL*update*

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