Christian Weddings

Monday QOTD

How did/will DH/FI work on combining his things and your things into one house?
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Re: Monday QOTD

  • Haha ... lots and lots of book shelves.. He's got history stuff and I have movie posters and star wars trinkets... It will be interesting.... Star Wars stuff will probably be given to my child since I doubt FI will want it up in the family room/basement ....or anywhere actaully ... Shoud be fun ...
    Love is All You Need
  • We haven't gotten that far yet. He has a ton of crap and wants to hang it up all over the place. I am like, uh no!

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  • Oh man.. this is what I'm afraid of. I have SO MUCH stuff. FI doesn't have as much but he's seriously worried about all of my clothes fitting into our closet. 

    I will definitely be leaving a lot at my parents' house. 

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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Monday QOTD</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh man.. this is what I'm afraid of. I have SO MUCH stuff. FI doesn't have as much but he's seriously worried about all of my clothes fitting into our closet.  I will definitely be leaving a lot at my parents' house. 
    Posted by FaithCaitlin[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>Don't you guys live together now? </div><div>
    </div><div>I am in the process of moving my stuff in this week. I don't have a ton of good furnitre and his is pretty old and falling apart so we're going to slowly replace things. He's got some awful wall art that I'm dying to get rid of! I've been lucky to find a lot of Goodwill and garage sale things to refurbish and use. I am so excited to be totally moved in and actually living there! Yay couch surfing!</div>
  • FI is a pack rat and has a hard time getting rid of things. This is not something I am looking forward to.....
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  • Actually it wasn't too difficult for us. DH was using mostly borrowed furniture, so we returned his and used mine, combined our bookshelves (we have 7 in our small house), and mostly made our wedding gifts our kitchenware and bath stuff so they coordinated nicely. The hardest part for DH was that he has more clothes than me, so he had to separate into winter/summer wardrobe so I could have half the closet. ;)
  • The biggest problem was clothing. When we got back from the honeymoon, I dragged out two garbage bags and said we both had to get rid of stuff and fill the bags. He agreed. We still have a clutter problem in the closets, but at least everything has a home now!
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  • I have a lot of clothes and shoes! I'm worried that all of it isn't going to fit into our closet.  I also have a lot of school supplies (teacher) so I'm trying to figure out where to put everythng until school starts. We get married 1 month from tomorrow!!! So I'm starting the process of moving my stuff. This is going to be fun Undecided
  • fpaemp2011fpaemp2011 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 25 Love Its First Answer
    edited May 2012
    When DH moved out of his parents' house to Kansas, he slept on an air mattress for 4 months (I told him to buy a bed, but my aunt had offered us a set for free, so he was okay with waiting).  We bought a matress right before the wedding, and took it out there when my parents moved my stuff about this time last year.  I brought everything.  Couch, table & chairs, bedroom set.  One of the elders at our church gave DH a recliner when he moved out there and he bought a folding table and 2 chairs from Wal-mart.  We know use those when the youth group is here and need more seats.

    The only things he really has are his XBOX and games.  He did have more movies, but we just got a big shelf for those.  Clothes are an issue for us, too.  But, all of my regular clothes are in the basement now.  I have far less maternity clothes than regular sized.  All of our clothing actually fits in the dreser and closet, now.  :)

    We both have a lot of stuff at our parents' houses, still.  Maybe one day we'll have a big enough house to get it all out.  
  • My FI cant use the" you have too many clothes " argument because I can easily say he's got too much amunition ... It's that simple... :) I win

    Love is All You Need
  • The biggest problem was decor.  I had to convince my hubby that posters would no longer adorn our walls.  We would now have framed pictures or paintings.  He also didn't like at first that I had flowers everywhere, haha.  Now he doesn't notice it anymore.  
  • ravenrayravenray member
    5000 Comments 25 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited May 2012
    It's going to be a problem because I have so much stuff and our apartment is tiny.  Also I think the sheer amount of cloths I have will be a problem.  But luckily I don't have to worry about it too much until we get back in 3 months.
    "Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained"-C.S. Lewis

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  • H brought exactly 3 boxes to our marriage, so it wasn't difficult!
  • Missed this yesterday (long weekend so wasn't on the computer much). We right now are doing a massive purging of stuff each. We're going through everything we own and between now and the wedding seeing just how much stuff we can get rid of! Its actually kinda fun... lol
  • naomikbnaomikb member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    We picked the better of both sets and donated the other, or gave it to my youngers sisters.  Most of our doubling up was on kitchen stuff, and mostly my stuff was better than his.  It wasn't really tough.

    We still have way too many books and way too many glasses/cups.  I'm trying to purge now during spring cleaning and be selective with what we keep!
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