I'm sure I could have posted this on another board, but some of the women out there can be very mean.
I have two adult female cousins who have been 'engaged' for years. I put that in quotes because the unspoken rule in my family is that if you get pregnant as a teenager your baby-daddy has to put a ring on your finger. One cousin has been saying she is engaged for about 6 years and the other has been engaged to all 3 of her children's fathers.
When I announced that i was engaged (no baby yet, we are virgins) my cousins talked about getting married too. I'm getting married in October and my cousins are getting married in August and September.
I feel like my engagment prompted them to pick up their feet because they are older than me and 'should' be married first. I was looking forward to having the first wedding of all my cousins but that makes me sound like a snob or selfish. I'm happy my cousins are getting married but i can't help feeling like they stole my thunder.
My fiance and my mom understand my feelings and think i may be right about them suddenly being motivated. Should I tell my cousins how I feel? I'm not super close to them but we talk every now and then.
Oh, and one of my cousins even said she is thinking of next fall but doesn't want to be too close to my date but now she is almost one month before me.