So, I read this article in the New York TImes this morning about purity balls (, and it got me thinking. Without wishing to spark another heated conversation on this board, how should one raise kids -- both girls and boys -- to encourage them to wait until marriage?
For some reason, I don't like the idea of purity balls or rings. It seems way too targeted at women, when I believe men should be waiting, too. Also, it seems way too public, and I just have this gut feeling that it will backfire. However, I really do want to raise both my girls and boys, if I have any, to be godly in their interactions. However, I don't want to push them too hard and make them rebel, and I don't want them to feel like I would judge them in case they fail.
The best idea I have is to have honest conversations with them and establish a foundation by raising them in the church. I also wonder about how much I should chaperone them. My mom was very strict with me (e.g. no friends over without a chaperone), and it really frustrated me growing up because I believed in waiting until marriage. I thus want to be more relaxed with my kids. However, I know that our society doesn't encourage boundary setting, and I always fear some guy may take advantage of a girl.
Other thoughts?