My mom and I are having a disagreement on how to word my wedding invitations. The wedding is going to be right in between formal and casual (elegant and classy, but not like white gloves and caviar) and I am going for a modern feel. I want to word the invitations like "Together with their parents, A______ ______ and R________ _______ invite you to their wedding celebration..." Mom wants it to say, "A_____ ____ and R_____ ______, together with their parents, B_____ ______ and T____ ______ , and P______ _____ and G_____ ______ request the honor of your presence...." I do not like her way because it is too formal for me (not to mention too wordy, too many names). There is nothing wrong with her way, but it's just not me. However, she just can't understand why I don't want my parents' names on the invitation. I explained that it would say "parents", so they are included and their names will be on the programs that day, too. I also explained that weddings are different than they were when she got married and there's no one right or wrong way to do things. I should add that we are all paying for this wedding- my parents, FI's parents and FI and I are all contributing equal amounts. We have talked about it, and e-mailed too, and she still doesn't want to budge. I don't either, but I definitely don't want to cause trouble with my family, who has always been wonderful and supportive and loving. I want to do what God wants me to do, so I have been praying about it and I will continue to... My question to you- should I give in and do it her way even though it goes against the "vision" i had for my wedding or should I stand my ground because it is my wedding? In the grand scheme of things, this is not that important- my marriage is important, not the invitation wording. But I'm sure you girls understand that things like these can be disheartening sometimes. Any ideas on how we can work this out so that we are both happy? Please pray that the decision we make is the one that God wants for us. Thanks girls!