Christian Weddings

XP: Possibly blessed with a cake!

Today and tomorrow there is a craft show going on at the hospital where I work.  There are employees and some local small businesses selling their home-made items at booths.  I went down on my lunch break to check it out, since my boss gave me the heads up that a lady who works here at the hospital was showing off her gorgeous cakes down there.  When I got there and went in, I saw her demo cakes and was blown away by how GOOD they looked!  There were a couple of other women there talking to her, and one of them asked "do you have a website?"  She said that she didn't but she was trying to get one and having some trouble.

I jumped on it and said, "I'll trade you a website for a wedding cake!  I'm a web designer and I'm engaged."  I was half-way joking, because I was about 95% sure that she would say no.  Instead, she said "I would defintely do that!  Yes!  Give me your information!"

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