Christian Weddings

I really need advice! NWR - Updated**

I am at a loss for what up do. I am getting baptized this Sunday or next, and I would like to invite my mother but am having reservations. Background: my mom is not religious and does not believe in God or Jesus or the bible... Nothing. She frequently mocks me for my belief, and has no issue letting it be known that she doesn't support me. Recently, we had a falling out over her lack of support and/ or general niceness towards my wedding, my wedding dress(saying repeatedly that I look fat in my dress), relaying awful mean spirited messages from other family members about me while We're at my dress fitting, promising me money for the wedding and reneging. She hasn't spoken to me in weeks except to say she won't apologize because she doesn't believe she was rude, and did nothing wrong. Today, she emailed me saying she wants to repair our relationship but she expects me to apologize and she still won't. I have struggled with being baptized because I feel that sometimes I still hide my love for Christ and my semi new found religion because of lack of support from friends and family. I no longer wish to "hide" my beliefs and I want to get to a stronger place in my Christianity. I'm not sure if I should invite my mother to the baptism or not? I'm sure if she even comes she'll be fake supportive to others faces and have some rude, belittling, non-supportive comments for me. What should I do? Invite her or not?

Re: I really need advice! NWR - Updated**

  • edited December 2011
    I would invite her. I think it is an opportunity for her to see your new faith and I think that there is no greater witness than to live out what you believe.

    ETA: Jesus has instructed us to forgive 70x7 (infinitely). You seem like someone who is attempting to be kind to your Mom. Regardless of her attitude and whatever family stuff is going on, I would forgive her and pray for her. Any time I have ever been angry or hurt by someone, I pray for them. It helps me forgive the person for what they've done, even if they haven't apologized. Jesus did the same for us when he died on the cross. I will pray for you and your Moms relationship! Jesus was mocked when he was on earth and told us that although our burden would be light we may not go un-mocked by non-believers. I encourage you to live out your new faith regardless of what your family says about it. Be strong and know that you are ultimately a light in their life!
  • edited December 2011
    first of all, annie, i want to say that you are making an AMAZING and extremely brave decision to get baptized! that is soo wonderful that you have hit that point that no matter what other ppl are saying you will take this next step!!! (: 

    Being a Christian can be hard in a sea of ppl who dont support or understand your decision...but trust is sooooooo worth it! You have a BIG God on your side who supports you, understands you, loves you, wants to encourage you, and will never EVER think an ill thought of you! 

    It truly saddens my heart that your mother would say such cruel things about you and not apologize for it. I have a difficult relationship with my mother as well (i was taken away from my mother twice in my life by CPS and placed in foster homes, until settling in with my aunt when i was 14 - 18). What i haver learned from that your mother is still your mother. But sometimes you do need to put boundaries up. And tell her (and BELIEVE IT) "Mom, you do not have the authority in my life to say such hurtful things about me. Those things are not true..i know that i am a beautiful young woman with a bright future ahead of me. And i will no longer allow you to speak to me this way." Its called "healthy confrontation". Telling your mom hey! this is not okay with me...i do not give you permission to make me feel this way any longer. 
    You are going to love your mom... simply because she is your mom. You have that bond (i still have that bond...and i havent lived with my mom since i was 14.. and i will be 24 next month)...but sometimes we need to guard our hearts from certain ppl so that we can continue to stay healthy. This is how one of my pastors explained it - think of all of your relationships as circles inside circles..and you are in the middle. The closest circle would be God...the next circle would by your husband (FI)...the next circle would by your immediate family (brothers, sisters, a best friend)..the following circle would be some other family (cousins, aunts, uncles, other friends, etc)... the next circle could be acquantances (friends on FB from high school)..and the final circle would be ppl you barely know (the barista at Starbucks who you smile at, the cashier at the store you always see). Each circle has a different connection with you and different access to your heart....what you share with God and your FI isnt the same of what you would share with a random friend on FB or a cashier. Sometimes family members (like moms) need to move from maybe the circle your FI is maybe the circle your family is in. Does that make sense? If not...please PM.

    Sorry this is sooo long. lol. Ultimately the decision is yours...and inviting her you do make the risk of her mocking you...BUT she may see that you are serious about your beliefts and cool off...and if she doesnt..and still mocks your choices...well you took that power away from her to make you feel bad. 

    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" - Eleanor Roosevelt.

    Dont allow your mom to have that power. Trust me....once i did that...i am a lot happier.
  • kitkat610kitkat610 member
    edited December 2011
    I agree with Joy, and could not have said it better. I am so happy that you are making that commitment and wanting to show your family and friends your faith, new and old :). It is not always easy, but it is worth it. You never know how you will impact their lives with your witness.
  • fpaemp2011fpaemp2011 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 25 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: I really need advice! NWR</a>:
    [QUOTE] Jesus has instructed us to forgive 70x7 (infinitely). You seem like someone who is attempting to be kind to your Mom. Regardless of her attitude and whatever family stuff is going on, I would forgive her and pray for her.
    Posted by joyfulbride424[/QUOTE]

    There's really nothing else I can add to what Joy and Lilies have said.  I did, however, hear this song on the radio the other day and wanted to share: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> (Chris August- 7x70)

    I'll be praying for you, Annie.

  • edited December 2011
    Joyfulbride - thank you for your words! I certainly am trying to be forgiving but I am far from perfect and it isn't easy.... But I'm willing! Amongthelillies- I have stood up to her and let her know that the way she spoke to me that day wasn't fair and although I love her, I can't accept her treatment. Saying that to her led her to blame me further and is why she stopped speaking to me. I absolutely get the circle reference, sounds like you have a fantastic Pastor too! Thank you for your advice and wisdom!

  • edited December 2011
    Annie, i will be praying for you and your relationship with your mother. i am really sorry to hear that you have stood up to her and she is still treating you unjustly. 

    Stay strong and know that you have all of us to talk to whenever. (:
  • edited December 2011
    Kitkat and Emily, not sure how I missed your posts! Thank you so much for your advice.

  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:464687ae-7bc1-4360-9aea-999e11f1e1adDiscussion:a6a820bb-2469-4c6e-b615-e59f651ef61fPost:e4f44372-219c-4b3e-8a5c-2ad4b9b6a3e2">Re: I really need advice! NWR</a>:
    [QUOTE]Annie, i will be praying for you and your relationship with your mother. i am really sorry to hear that you have stood up to her and she is still treating you unjustly.  Stay strong and know that you have all of us to talk to whenever. (:
    Posted by amongthelilies25[/QUOTE]

    Thank you so much! She told me that she is how she is and I am I unwilling to take the bad with the good. I'm sure there is a difference in someones flaws and someone cutting you down. Oh well, you are right that I should pray more. I'm so thankful for this board, I have lost a lot of friends recently. Thanks again!

  • edited December 2011
    Annie - forgiving someone is never easy, sometimes even the smallest things can hurt us for a long time and leave scars. I will pray for you that forgiveness will come easily and hold fast in your heart. I have been in this place before with other situations and I know how hard it can be!

    As for the things she has said to you - I just want to say that you are a beautiful child of God and I'm sure you are a beautiful woman. I hope that you do not allow these words to tear you down in this precious time in your life as you prepare to marry the man you love. Know that the man you love, loves you regardless of what anyone else says and I just know you look stunning in the dress you have chosen. Prayers for you, dear. Stay strong in Jesus he will hold you steadfast.
  • mrandmrsbristmrandmrsbrist member
    1000 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Give her the opportunity to come. If you don't, it'll just be one more thing that she can use to get at you. She'll come if she really wants to and something inside me believes that she'll want to see you take this huge step of faith, even if she disagrees with it.
    Pregnancy Ticker
    2010: 41 books, 2011: 31 books, 2012: 100 books
  • edited December 2011
    Thank you all! Your words have really helped me so much more than you know! I'm so glad I decided to post here. I invited my mom through email, we'll see if she responds. Thank you all for your prayers. I'll let you know what she says! I'm so excited about showing the world my dedication to my Lord.

  • edited December 2011
    annie! i am just sooo excited and overjoyed for you!!!!!! (: this is a very very exciting time in your life!!! (: 

    constant prayers for you! 
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:464687ae-7bc1-4360-9aea-999e11f1e1adDiscussion:a6a820bb-2469-4c6e-b615-e59f651ef61fPost:b6e8ce20-7d91-47d6-a9fa-c63f66973e07">Re: I really need advice! NWR</a>:
    [QUOTE]annie! i am just sooo excited and overjoyed for you!!!!!! (: this is a very very exciting time in your life!!! (:  constant prayers for you! 
    Posted by amongthelilies25[/QUOTE]

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! <3

  • edited December 2011
    I'll pray for you too, Annie.  I'm a bit late to the thread, it's been a BUSY day at work.  The other ladies already stated so well what you can do, and I don't want to add to it except to say that God will reward you for extending HIS love to everyone around you. 
    July 16, Our Wedding Day, is also International Juggling Day!
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:464687ae-7bc1-4360-9aea-999e11f1e1adDiscussion:a6a820bb-2469-4c6e-b615-e59f651ef61fPost:f1963432-e3f4-441e-a5a3-686cad33bb5e">Re: I really need advice! NWR</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'll pray for you too, Annie.  I'm a bit late to the thread, it's been a BUSY day at work.  The other ladies already stated so well what you can do, and I don't want to add to it except to say that God will reward you for extending HIS love to everyone around you. 
    Posted by kellya01[/QUOTE]

    Thank you!

  • edited December 2011
    invite her. Then it's up to her to come or not. If you don't invite her, then she may feel left out of your life. By attempting to include her, it's up to you. Maybe while she's at church, she'll hear the good news, and become a believer herself! You never know!! 
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:464687ae-7bc1-4360-9aea-999e11f1e1adDiscussion:a6a820bb-2469-4c6e-b615-e59f651ef61fPost:2f1aef96-4476-41e6-a510-997163c56822">Re: I really need advice! NWR</a>:
    [QUOTE]invite her. Then it's up to her to come or not. If you don't invite her, then she may feel left out of your life. By attempting to include her, it's up to you. Maybe while she's at church, she'll hear the good news, and become a believer herself! You never know!! 
    Posted by kalizoomba[/QUOTE]

    Thank you. She was raised a catholic and decided to denounce her faith at some point before she was married an I wad born. I'm not sure she'll come ba k around. Although I've tried to help her.

  • edited December 2011
    Tell her to take a long walk off a short pier.

    No, but seriously, stand your ground.  You can't forgive someone who refuses to apologize.  And don't apologize when you've done nothing wrong.  You treat people how to teach you and if you mend things before there has been any resolution, all you teach her is that it's ok to treat you badly...because you'll coming running right back, with an apology!

    As your mother, she should be interested in your happiness and well-being.  She should be belittling and undermining the important things in your life (your baptism, your wedding, etc.)  I would calmly tell her that you are not apologizing because you have nothing to apologize for.  Tell her how her behavior has made you feel lately.  Tell her that you want support, not constant put-downs.  Don't let her act abusive and get away with it.
  • edited December 2011
    Update**. She responded, and said she would like to go! She played dumb like she couldn't figure out why I was upset, so who knows what will happen from here. I'm glad I made the right choice to invite her, and even more that I no longer will feel the need to hide my faith. Thank you all so much for your words or support!! God bless you!

  • edited December 2011
    Sorry I am late on this! I agree with everyone- Joy said it wonderfully! And Emily- I love that song! 

    Be strong in the Lord, Annie! I will pray for you and her! 
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