Christian Weddings

S/O - Missing FI

For the ladies who are not yet married, it seems like there is a lot of LDR happening.  So I'm wondering...

Re: S/O - Missing FI

  • edited December 2011
    I miss him so much. I'm going to see him Sunday after church for our "valentine's day" thing. He lives almost an hour away - but I get to see him for about an hour every Tuesday when we have class - not long enough to do anything though, usually it's homework. 

    Not sure what he had planned. He's a horrible planner and procrastinator - and he wants to help with the wedding, so I told him if he could plan a surprise valentines date for me, i'd let him help with the wedding more than he's helping now.
  • edited December 2011
    We are about 2 1/2 hours apart so we see each other every 1-2 weeks, usually for the whole weekend then.  I am going to his town this weekend for pre-marital counseling session with the pastor.  Next weekend, he will come to my town for our couples shower my work is throwing.  Then we won't see each other for two weeks. 

    It helps we get to talk on the phone and email most days but its getting harder to have this separation. 
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  • GJones27GJones27 member
    edited December 2011
    I said yes. DC-Boston since August, and we've done close to 2 years DC-Brazil.
  • edited December 2011
    Some of the ladies on here AMAZE me!  My FI and I were about 1.5 hours apart for over a year, and then we were 25 minutes apart, then he had to move again (new job) and now we're 35 minutes apart.  The only difficulty we're having now is that he has started a masters in business management degree (online) and it consumes a LOT of his evening and weekend time, so we're down to maybe 2 evenings a week seeing each other because of that AND he has to travel for work a lot, at least 1 night a week he is off in a hotel somewhere, so it feels like a long time.....

    But that's nothing compared to DC - Brazil, holy cow!  You ladies are amazingly patient.  Such an inspiration for me! 
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  • BeazillaBeazilla member
    edited December 2011
    We're about a 1000 miles or a 4-5hour plane ride apart. We've done it since 2007 and I'll move back in May after graduation.
  • Ccsvball05Ccsvball05 member
    edited December 2011
    I try to remember you ladies when I start to complain about not seeing my FI. We only live about 10 minutes apart but I work 6-3:30 and he either works 7:30-3 or 3-10:30 and when he works nights I don't get to see him at all. It is usually only 2-3 nights per week but when they are consecutive it is really hard. And since it is sometimes closer to 11 when he gets off I am so tired I fall asleep before he gets off. But nothing compared to what some of you ladies handle!!!!!
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  • edited December 2011
    We've been 2 hours apart for almost 2 years since we graduated.
  • aegrishaegrish member
    edited December 2011
    I'm going to be honest, I'm not sure I would do well in an LDR with my FI.  We've always lived super close...I admire women that can.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm not looking forward to May - I'm graduating then - but FI isn't. I'm moving about 6 hours away to get a job and to begin grad school while FI finished undergrad. I probably won't get to see him much (if any) between May and October.
  • azdancer8azdancer8 member
    edited December 2011
    I know I don't count, since I'm now married, but DH and I were LDR (about 3 hours apart). We would see each other every weekend, unless he was snowed in.

    But I do have to say, I think having been in a LDR makes us appreciate even more that we have all our time together now. :)
  • uneek1323uneek1323 member
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I was in a LDR. First we were 5 hours apart. Then we lived close to each other for 8 years. Then he moved to CA for a job while I had to stay in NC for my job. THAT was the hardest becuase not only were we LDR again but the time zone difference was the worst. I would be going to be bed when he was going to work. I live in CA near him and I'm so happy LDR's are over us.
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  • LindsFLindsF member
    edited December 2011
    I live in Ohio and my fiance lives in Colorado.  We've been doing the long distance thing for 10 months.  We were only together in the same city for 6 months and then he relocated for his job.  It's sooo hard!  We see each other for one weekend a month.  But I definitely feel like it's been a blessing since we can't take physically seeing each other for granted.  Our time together is so special even though we don't see each other nearly enough.    
  • edited December 2011
    I didn't vote because we're not long distance anymore.  We used to live about an hour and a half away from each other though.  We say each other every weekend or every other weekend, depending on how busy we were.
  • edited December 2011
    My FI and I live about 15 minutes apart, but like a PP said I work days and he works evenings.  We end up seeing each other about 2-3 times a week.  We probably won't know what to do with ourselves when we live together and see each other more, lol.
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  • edited December 2011

    We are long distance. 3 and a half hours apart for 2 1/2 years. We try to see each other every other weekend but sometimes we have to go at least a month :(

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  • uneek1323uneek1323 member
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I know everyone's situation is different, but I think that things look different depending on the perspective they're put in. Some of you are upset about living 15-30 minutes from your loved one, and while I can fully respect missing your FI, 15 minutes really isn't that bad. I spent a year living 3 time zones and 2700 miles away from my FI and though it was hard it was manageable. Even in that situation we kept it in mind that there are many people out there who have a military family and who not only have to live 8+ time zones apart, they also have to worry about their loved one living in a war zone. 
    So yeah, 15 minutes apart does stink, but I think that it's worth cherishing something like that when the alternatives could be so much worse.
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  • edited December 2011
    FI and I were kind of long distance when we were first dating (about an hour) but we still saw each other about 3 times a week. I moved to his town in May, when we'd been together a year. I feel so lame because I miss him even if I don't see him for a This week I worked 4-10 Monday and Tuesday and since he's a teacher, we had opposite schedules so I didn't see him from Sunday night until Thursday night. I was in a very long distance relationship before (I was in PA, my ex was in Miami) so I feel kind of ridiculous when I miss FI so much in a day...haha.
  • I didn't vote either because right now we see each other Wednesday nights, Friday nights, and generally all Saturday and Sunday - but the beginning of May he's moving 6 hours away to build our house so that's going to be tough since we're used to seeing each other a lot.  I couldn't imagine having to do LDR!!  You ladies rock!!

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  • fpaemp2011fpaemp2011 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 25 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    Most of y'all already know that FI moved to Kansas last week, and we won't see each other again until the day before the wedding.  We have to save all of his vacation days for a few days for the wedding and honeymoon, and the rest to come home for Christmas and have time to visit both families.  Darn being responsible children. :)  

    There's a teeny-tiny chance I might be able to visit if I get a Spring Break, but with the amount of snow days we're already accumulating, it's not looking good.  It's really hard, and I wish there was a way we could see each other somewhat regularly, but we both know this is just temporary, and in 4 months we'll rarely be apart for long periods of time, Lord willing.
  • edited December 2011
    all of you ladies doing LDR are fantastic! we are strong!!!! (: 

    yes, as you all know i am sure, me and FI are long distance. about 8 hour drive..i am in Northern Cali and he is in Southern Cali. I NEVER thought i would be able to do a LDR...but here i am. hehe. doing it with no communication. it does make me appreciate him soo much more. it has made our trust grow and honestly my love for him as grown SOOO much! less than 3 months and he will be home and i cannot wait to run in his arms! (: 
  • SE+MBSE+MB member
    edited December 2011
    We're not but we only see each other on the weekends. He works a lot during the week so there's not much time. Plus it works best when I have time to do homework.

    I'm really looking forward to living together so we can eat dinner together.
  • edited December 2011
    For the first 6months that we dated we were both in on campus housing for school and our buildings were right next to eachothers. Then Fi took a summer job in GA and I took one in Fort Lauderdale so we went for 3months without seeing eachother. Now Fi and I live an hour apart and when I didn't have a job, we could get away with once a week but because of me now having a job, we try to see eachother once every two weeks. Techincally we "see" eachother everyday thanks to Skype but it is still hard. I am so thankful with how far technology has come and what it allows us to do.
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  • squeakyducksqueakyduck member
    edited December 2011
    My FI and I met in high school, never dated or anything and both went away to college. Me 5 hours away from our hometown in TX and him to Pennslyvania. Halfway through college, we got together over the summer and did long distance for two years before he graduated. That summer, he went to an internship in Wyoming. Then he came home while I had one more semester at school. I graduated and he left for a forest ranger certification program up in Washington. He is currently there while I am home working until the wedding. It's not fun, but early on in the relationship we both realized that this was worth waiting for. 
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  • edited December 2011
    It is very hard to do, but I think if both your hearts are there then go for it.  I am lucky that my FI and I live in the same town.  Actually he moved in with me.  Long story, but someone set his house on fire.
  • edited December 2011
       We usually only get to see each other maybe three times a week during the school year, which isn't as much as some couples that we know, but it's certainly more than others.  The closest that we have ever been to long distance were the two weeks last summer that he spent in Africa, which was only two weeks, but the most contact that I had with him that entire time was maybe three short facebook messages and then one voice message that was forwarded to me by someone else via blackberry.  So yeah, that was incredibly difficult.  Especially since I managed to convince myself during those two weeks that the lack of contact with me had most definitely given him enough time to realize how much better than me he really is, and that he would be breaking up with me as soon as he got back.  Stupid ASAD...
       I almost moved to Nashville shortly after we started dating, was something that I had dreamed of doing for years, and my best friend and I were going together, and I was so excited for it.  He had told me that he would drive down and see me every other weekend, but in the back of my mind, I really didn't know if we would be able to make it.  Looking back now, I'm so glad that it didn't work out.  It was really disappointing and difficult at the time, but God definitely knew what He was doing.  The way He worked for us throughout that whole situation was really just amazing.  :)
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  • edited December 2011
    My boyfriend/FI and I did a LDR for a year. We met online and were only able to see each other 4 times during that year, until I recently moved to the same town as him. Early on, we discovered Skype, which is FREE as long as both people have it set up. All you need is a mic/speaker and webcam, which are not expensive. Downloading Skype is free. The two of us talked almost every single night and since we could see each other's faces on the video, it made a huge difference from just talking on the phone. But even still, it was very hard at times and I only made it through b/c we already knew that I'd be moving here at the end of the year.
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