I am in a long distance relationship and with in the last two weeks or so it's become increasingly hard on me not being able to see him. I know should cherish every phone call and skype date but those don't fill the void I have of missing him.Everytime I talk to him I become an emotional basket case. Hormones could be partially to blame in all of this. Once a month I turn into an emotional basket case and then I get better and move on. But being a basket case when I know it's not helping any part of my life makes being one that much more miserable and I can't seem to get out of it. Yes I have prayed and I am currently trying to memorize scripture. But my relationship with Fi and with God is not where I want it. I feel like a cross between Psalm 46 and The Voice of Truth by Cast Crowns. I have voices saying awful things and I'm trying to be still and know God is God. I know this might seems strange or something like that but I'm just a 20 year old wanting to be closer to the two most important people (God and FI) in my life and I feel like I have failed.