Hi everybody! I just got back today from a wonderful honeymoon with my brand new H and I just figured I'd stop in and say hi!
I don't even know where to start telling about the wedding! It was wonderful! I can't think of anything that really went wrong. Everything turned out so lovely, it seemed just like a fairytale. Everyone and everything was beautiful! I don't think I could even choose a favorite part, but here are a few of the highlights.
1. My brother providing comic relief during lunch. After pictures the wedding party all wend down the church basement to grab a bite to eat before the ceremony. While I was sitting and eating, but brother came up and said that as a wedding gift he wanted to serenade me. He spend about 15 minutes singing every goofy song he knew and had me and my BMs in fits of giggles! It was good to relax a bit.
2. Praying with my BMs. Right before we went upstairs to line up for the processional, my BMs all gathered around and prayed for me. It was all I could do to keep from tearing
3. The prayer and blessing by our dads. After we lit the unity candle our dads came up and prayed for us and gave us a blessing. It was a really special (and very emotional) time for us.
4. The song H sang for me at the reception. I mentioned a while back that H was writing a song to sing for me at the reception. I finally got to hear it! It was the best song he's written for me so far! It was kind of a recap of our relationship and how we are walking through life hand in hand. It was sweet!
There are so many more special moments, but I don't have time to write about them all. Maybe another time. I don't have very many pictures back yet, but I'll post a few that I do have.

The flowers were more purple and lavender, but they turned out looking kind of pink in the pictures.

My bridesmaids all looked beautiful!

My beloved

Walking in with my daddy

Saying our vows

The cake! I don't have a picture of the whole cake table yet, but It was beautiful!

We're married! Hooray!