[QUOTE]Beth - is your FI a believer? Do the two of you share the same faith?
Posted by iamjoesgurl[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]I was just thinking the same thing, joesgurl. It can be difficult to maintain the faith that God wants of us sometimes, and that can become even more difficult if your partner doesn't have the same faith or belief that you do.
Posted by kellya01[/QUOTE]
I was raised in a church, shoved religion down my throat by my father, and then shown "what to do" that was definitely not right, so I decided I didn’t want to follow that. I made lots of mistakes and ran from church, God, and everything related with it and have just recently stopped running and turned around to look in the general direction of God himself. When FI and I met, I was still running from God and didn’t have him believing as a standard. FI hasn’t had any background or education with the Bible or anything, so therefore doesn’t understand it.
I had a bit of a wake up call the other night watching an infomercial where they were talking about helping the Jews make it back to Israel – they took the truth from the Bible and made it off kilter about 3 degrees. When the main guy first came on the screen, it immediately didn’t sit right with me. His voice was abnormally deep and very dark, and something in my pictured the devil as he spoke. I was in the middle of working on something so I just kind of went, “O…k…weird,” and continued working. It progressively got creepier, until they talked about the holocaust and a door opened, and I knew there was an evil spirit present. I had my mom rebuke it and started talking about why it freaked me out and believing. I told her that while she believes, and I hadn’t in a while, how on earth could I deny it when I have such a strong discernment? It got me thinking, and I tried to discuss it with FI but he didn’t understand. He asked as a legitimate question, “So if I feel like there’s something in the dark then?” I tried to explain it but it’s hard when he’s never been taught those things.
I have the background, but have run so hard and so long it’s hard to stop and trust God again. I’m slowly working my way back, (I baffled myself when I realized I wanted to join this board) and my mom has been praying for a while now that I would come back to God. My dad kind of ruined it for me, as he’s all about “religion” and going through the motions of church and the talk, but then can’t forgive or have understanding. He actually told me I was going to hell a while back, and as of now we haven’t spoken in 2 years. I saw what he did and said, and didn’t want to be like him since he’s not a very nice person. I just strove to be nice, understanding and loving, and it ended up bringing me slowly back.
I know that it can be difficult to maintain a relationship with Christ when FI doesn’t understand, but he did tell me if I decided I wanted to take the kids (when we have them) to church he would come as well – which is a step. He’s very supportive of who I am, and who I strive to be, and never makes fun of me or discourages talking about believing. He’s just unsure, which I can understand. He’s told me he believes there is a higher power out there somewhere, he’s just not sure what exactly.
I’m sorry it’s so long!! I even feel like that’s the shortened version. Hopefully you don't look down on me after reading all of that.
CW Siggy : Favorite Flower
Any and all God created. Each one is a masterpiece.
I'm married!! As of May 1st, 2011.