Christian Weddings

2 weeks! 2 weeks!!!

i have EXACTLY 2 weeks until my FI is home!!! ahhh!!!!! i feel all giddy! i cannot believe this llooonnnggg season is almost over!!!

For those of you who don't know. My FI and have been doing long distance since August. He is going to a ministry school in Southern California, kind of like Master's Commission (for those of you who know what that is). In this program they have this silly little rule that you cannot emotionally date. i know, i know dumb and weird. But we submitted to the authority that God put him under and we had no contact. I live with my FI's family so i was able to know what he was doing and could talk through them. 

But now i only have 2 more weeks left!!!!!!!! we have this WONDERFUL opportunity to start over and get to know eachother all over again! i am excited (and a little nervous lol) for it! 

I know the rules are super lame and kinda even confusing..... but it is undeniable the change that happened in my FI's life. he has learned to become an amazing spiritual leader! i am amazed by him! (: i am soo in love with this man! 

2 weeks! oh....cant wait!

Re: 2 weeks! 2 weeks!!!

  • edited December 2011
    Aw that is so excited! I know what Master's Commission is, the church I used to go to sent young adults there. A friend of mine was dating a guy who went for his first year there and they weren't able to talk then either. When he came back they got engaged and then when he went for his second session they were allowed limited contact. They're married now and I know that the program was really beneficial to both of them. So exciting for you to see him again! Power to you guys, I could NEVER do it! lol :)
  • edited December 2011
    WOW! Two weeks will go by so fast!. I couldn't ever imagine doing something like this. The longest I have ever gone without seeing FI is one week, and I barely lasted. I couldn't imagine what several months feels like. Praying these two weeks go quickly!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    rachel - is beneficial..but hard. lol. i am soo glad its over with. and i told him he is NEVER allowed to leave me for this long ever again! lol. 
    Its hard for ppl to understand WHY we did this (well...and at the time when he went...we didn't know HOW SERIOUS the "no dating" policy was), but we did it and i am soo proud of him and myself! 
    it definately showed each other how we can trust each other...because even with no contact we stayed constant to one another. (:

    Alyssa- i didn't think i could do this either! Before my FI went to school the longest we were apart was a few days!!!! But its amazing what God will give you the grace for. (:
    But i pray no one HAS to do this. lol. cuz it was tough..i cried a lot. lol. 

    but now its done! ah! (: (: (:
  • edited December 2011
    As one of my friends puts up in FB land for good things... "A-WOOT!"  That's awesome.  Only 14 more days until you see your FI again!! :-)
    July 16, Our Wedding Day, is also International Juggling Day!
  • edited December 2011
    i know!!! (: i like couldn't be happier right now!
  • edited December 2011
    That's awesome!!  Congratulations!!

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  • edited December 2011
  • edited December 2011
    Yayyyyy!!! So exciting! I know you have been waiting for this for a long time. Enjoy it! 
  • mrandmrsbristmrandmrsbrist member
    1000 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    I am sooo happy for you!!!

    The whole no contact, no emotionally dating reminds me of my roommates situation. (Disclaimer: I realize they're VERY DIFFERENT. So no one jump on me.) She's Mormon and on year and five months ago, the guy she was engaged to left for his mission. He can send emails to his family, but not to her. And he's only allowed to write her a letter every two weeks. So, she's always sooo stoked to get a letter. And she has a countdown going on. Seven months. I'm reminded every single day. Haha.
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  • edited December 2011
    he will be home before you know!! How awesome for you!!
  • edited December 2011
    mrsbrist - ya i feel for your roommate. its RREALLY hard. at least she gets letters every so often. i got ONE letter before Christmas. its the only contact he's really had with me (other then the week for Christmas). 

    i am sooo excited..i can't wait! 
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