Christian Weddings


Yano what, I can't be bothered anymore - I tried to fit in on other boards, tried to not stand out and thought I could have a rant like everyone else is allowed and have some support, but no. I just get told I have a bad attitude.

Don't tell me I have a bad attitude because I can't stand my Mother in Law 2B.
you have NO idea what's going on and what she's done.
so no, she won't be seeing our grandchildren without supervision.
Don't just assume I'm being selfish because I'm a little upset she hasn't helped out with the wedding, and don't throw in my face that you've paid for yours yourself. I'm sorry we don't have that kinda money.

I'm so angry right now.
I'm sick of people making assumptions through written word.
I was having a rant, and now I'm done with that STUPID forum.
It's not that important, no.
and yes, I'm being petty.
Why can't people just let me be mad without having something to say about it.

Re: UGH.

  • edited June 2012
    In Response to <a href="">UGH.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yano what, I can't be bothered anymore - I tried to fit in on other boards, tried to not stand out and thought I could have a rant like everyone else is allowed and have some support, but no. I just get told I have a bad attitude. Don't tell me I have a bad attitude because I can't stand my Mother in Law 2B. you have NO idea what's going on and what she's done. so no, she won't be seeing our grandchildren without supervision. Don't just assume I'm being selfish because I'm a little upset she hasn't helped out with the wedding, and don't throw in my face that you've paid for yours yourself. I'm sorry we don't have that kinda money. I'm so angry right now. I'm sick of people making assumptions through written word. I was having a rant, and now I'm done with that STUPID forum. It's not that important, no. and yes, I'm being petty. Why can't people just let me be mad without having something to say about it.
    Posted by jenningz[/QUOTE]

    What forums are you talking about?

    No offense, but when you post on any forum or  tell anyone stuff like this, people are going to have an opinion...So if you don't agree with what they say, just let it go in one ear and out the other. I wouldn't let it get me this upset but I also wouldn't elaborate on personal issues online either...
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: UGH.</a>:
    [QUOTE]It's fine.... I'll just stay offline cos clearly I'm too annoying.
    Posted by jenningz[/QUOTE]
    I didn't say that nor do I think that. I was just telling you my opinion.

    But seriously what forums are giving you trouble? Is it other boards on TK?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Nope, it's some British ones.... which isn't really a surprise. I got enough grief for stating that 1) I was 21, 2) I haven't been living with my fiance and 3) That we were waiting till marriage....

    People don't get me.
  • If your having that much trouble with those, I don't think I would post on them anymore...
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I didn't plan on it... but I was irritated and wanted to rant.
    I should've just cussed her out to God *sigh*
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: UGH.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I didn't plan on it... but I was irritated and wanted to rant.<strong> I should've just cussed her out to God *sigh*</strong>
    Posted by jenningz[/QUOTE]

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Sorry you're having issues. <3
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  • I'm going to have to chime in and tell you to chill your butt out.
    1. It's a public forum where people voice their opinion. If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
    2. It's not that people don't get you, someone out there does, it's just that they are different and have different lives and expectations.
    3. You should be venting to your FH or close friends, not a bunch of internet strangers.
    4. I'm 20, I was waiting until marriage, we don't live together, together but we are in the same house. That doesn't make a darn bit of difference.
    5. You should just pray for peace and comfort through difficult times instead of complaining about things. It's biblical, not sure of the exact verses, but I will look.

    Now, take a deep breath and just don't post your personal information out there anymore. Anyone can read it and find it. It's just for your safety. 

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  • Thanks Peechy :)
    Lol, if you could hit me up with that verse ;)
  • Dont let it bother you ... I've had plenty of posts gone wrong ....And feel like people jumped on me for no reason .  Indept /personal stories usually do not go over too well with people on here depending on the forum .

    And I know there are so many that pay for everything themselves and get really mad about people who do not ... It just amazes me.  Am I sapose to be sorry that I cant contribute the full amount or that I offert to and my Dad and Grandma said no ?

    I've been there and back ... If i want drama I will wacth the Young and the Restless...
    Love is All You Need
  • Hasn't this come up 3 or 4 times in the past few weeks?  Just stop posting about it.  Talk with like-minded people or your friends IRL if the people on internet forums don't "get you".  The reality is these are international boards with people from all walks of life... you're going to get lots of unsolicited opinions when you post stuff about your life.
  • I would avoid posting anywhere, excpet maybe on this board.  People here will always be honest, but they will always be kind.  If people get upset on other boards, it's usually because they don't have background information (like your tone, a real understanding of your situation, etc.)  Everyone assumes that whenever someone complains, she's a character out of Bridezilla episode (do you have that show in England?) when that's not the case.  It's okay to vent from time to time, but the Christian reminder is always critical, too, so we don't lose ourselves.  
  • We do yeah, that programs so funny. I'm fine now, in fact the moderator on the boards messaged me last night asking if everything was okay and she said she felt some people were uneccesarily harsh, so yeah. I think I'll just stick to posting on here - :)

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