November 2012 Weddings

So Ready

I know I still have a bunch of things on the To-Do list, but I am so ready for the wedding day and to be married.  Ever since we put the invites in the mail last week my mind set has been, let's get this done already!  Our countdown days flew from 100 to about 60, but I feel like we have been in the 50s forever now!  Anyone else itching for the big day to get here?
We Do - Since November 3, 2012

Re: So Ready

  • Yup.  We've been together for 6 years and living together for 5, so we're practically married already.  I just want it to be official so we can finally to start a family together.
    21811_10151174643987291_1046283999_n_zpsddfa358c Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm ready for the day to come. We have lived together for about 5.5 years and well, it feels like we've been planning forever
  • Yes in one breath, no in another.  Love for it to be here so we can stop spending money, lol, but I don't want to wish my time away either.  Enjoying the planning so far :)
    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker image
    My BFP Chart
    || Ovulation Calendar image #1 BFP May 24/2012 - EDD Jan 21/2013 - M/C May 31/2012 #2 BFP Feb 5/2013 - EDD Oct 16/2013
  • I am SOOO ready for our wedding day!!!  But I agree, it's going SLOW right now.
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • So ready to get it done with!  It's nice to have something to look forward too but we have been engaged for almost 2 years now, so I'm ready!  Time is flying by.  It just feels like I had my 100 day countdown, and tomorrow I will be in the 40s. 
  • I can't wait.  I am ready but thankful for the time I have left.  I can use it and actually need it as I have a lot to still get done.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • Yes! I'm in the same boat! Just hit the 2 month mark and I know it will go quickly from here but I am just so excited for our big day! I keep having dreams about it. Then again, I know I will be sad once it is all over.
  • Ready but nervous.  I'm afraid of everything running over cost and us running out of money so there's nothing to spend on the honeymoon.  (FI is unemployed so we're doing this with the money I'm hoarding, my paycheck, and anything else I can dream up.)
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