

This is a slight vent...

We began our Registry at Macy's tonight and let me just say, it was not how I pictured it happening. It's apparent that FI and I have different tastes and really had to come to some compromises. Also, I don't think he understands the whole registry thing anyway. We already live together and have much of what we need, but it's all stuff that was either given to us or was super cheap because it was in our budget. So, I'm considering this like a Wish List of stuff I've always wanted.... why CAN'T we replace our $5 muffin tin with a really nice one?

Uh, gotta love him.

Re: Registry

  • jennuinnejennuinne member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Yay, the registry experience was PITA and not what I expected.  Although FI wasn't interested, so I did most of it by myself and showed him the results.  But, so far, no one's really bought anything off of it.  So, guess that was pointless...
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  • irshis20irshis20 member
    edited December 2011

    We had fun at Crate & Barrel, but he had no interest in going to Macy's with me. It made me sad at first, because I had always imagined registering WITH my sweetheart when the time came. But by the time I was done, I was glad he didn't come, because it would have driven him insane and he would have complained the whole time. I was exhausted; even though I'm very decisive and moved through the departments fairly quickly, it still took a few hours to complete. He still hasn't even looked at our full Macy's registry...the only reason he even knows what our china pattern looks like is because someone sent us a pair of place settings already.

    Oh, and you can register for a new $20 muffin pan if you want. Most of the stuff we registered for we already have in a cheaper/not-as-nice version, too, but as we start our new life as a married household, we want things that match and will last us a long time.

  • jennlinjennlin member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    my h was opinionated too....i just humored him and didn't scan things he didn't want me to scan...then went home and added them online. he knows i did this....but he also knows/knew that it's a brides wedding, and the groom just tags along for the ride :)
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    who says you can only wear your wedding dress once?

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  • edited December 2011
    I had the same troubles, it was like pulling teeth just getting the FI to go to Macy's with me, then he debated almost every item we came across. In the end he said I could do what I wanted (i.e. add items I want online) and that he trusts me. I do most of the cooking in the house and he knows I get frustrated with our current cheap pots and pans. But I've added some fun things for him on the registery like and ice cream maker! :)

    We're going to have a "Kitchen Giveaway" for all our friends after the wedding, so they can go through our old stuff we had replaced and take what they want for their kitchen. We had a lot of friends who are fresh out of college and will take all the help they can get!
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  • carrieoz_76carrieoz_76 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Yea, FI still thinks the registry is silly.  He doesn't think that anything that's on there is really important, and would rather have outdoor appliances or cash.  I keep explaining that ppl want to buy presents to help us start out household and we need to give them ideas, but he still thinks it's stupid.

    We got lots of basics for our shower, and not too much since then.  Despite what my well-meaning mom and my friends told me, I think because our wedding is so small and so far away for those who are coming, we're unlikely to get many more presents.  Which is fine.  We can get what we need ourselves - esp. when we're not saving for a wedding!
  • edited December 2011
    Jennlin, I was thinking I may just add some stuff online. I know if I do that, he won't really care. He always really cares in the moment, but if I just decide something, like, on the side, it's rarely a big deal.

    Klaubenheimer, a giveaway is a great idea. I was wondering what to do with all of our old stuff.

    Thanks ladies! I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't have this experience turn out like I thought.

  • edited December 2011
    We went to Macy's together and I was pleasantly surprised. I showed him the china I liked and said, "This is my favorite, but it's OUR china. So take a look around at all the other patterns and then give me your opinions." Turns out we're pretty similar! He like that pattern the best. He did see it as pointless when I registered for smaller stuff (like biscuit cutters) but he also didn't know that people often shop off the registry for shower gifts, etc.
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