
Timing of Bach-Party

My MOH and I are starting to discuss when I should have my bach-party.  She lives in GA, I definitely want her to be there, and her schedule is just a tiny bit flexible (between Graduate class and working for the CDC in ATL, crazy busy girl).  Her Spring Break is in March (7 weeks before the wedding), which seems a little early to me for a bach-party. 

When did you have your bach-party?  And do you think 7 weeks is way too early?  I plan on sending out invites end of February/beginning of March.
OMH est. May 7, 2011
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Re: Timing of Bach-Party

  • ArchelArchel member
    edited December 2011
    Personally, I think 7 weeks is too early. But I'm expecting my b-party 1-2 weeks before. I've heard of people doing it that far in advance because of out of state friends.
    - Rachel

    Married 11/6/10

  • edited December 2011
    well, i would say its a tad early.. but you would have good reason to have it then. I say go for it, i think its way more important to have your MOH there.. im having mines two days before (becuase wedding is in another state) and I dunno if i will be recovered from mines.  Better too early than too close..
  • jennuinnejennuinne member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Ditto, its a little early, but if that's the only time that works, do it.  I did mine pretty early -- 4 weeks I think b/c summer is busy and that was the only weekend it worked and someone else didn't already have a baby shower or anniversy or something else going on...although I few still bailed.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Due to your situation, I think it is almost a MUST to do it that early. I would be very sad if I couldn't have my MOH there. And plus your other friends may be a little more flush with cash to help pay for your party instead of it being so close to the wedding and just having bought you a gift.
    Married 7/17/2010 Photobucket PersonalMilestone
  • mgoss228mgoss228 member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for your input!  My MOH may be able to swing a 2nd visit 4 weeks out.

    Would a Shower at 7 weeks and the B-Party at 4 weeks be more "normal?"

    I originally wanted the b-party to be 2-3 weeks before, just to give me PLENTY of time to recover from the crazy sauce-fest that I'm hoping to have Tongue out
    OMH est. May 7, 2011
    Photo courtesy of jennygg.com
    My never updated Planning/Married Bio: http://mgoss228.weebly.com/
    Seattle Knotties: Please page me if you send me a PM!
  • edited December 2011
    i like the idea of having the shower 7 wks ahead and bach 2/3 wks. I had a shower thrown for me a couple of months after we got engaged, just cuase i was in town. so  really, whatever works for you is fine..
  • TashaK24TashaK24 member
    edited December 2011
    I think if having it early is what makes all the people you want present, do it.  Supposedly a bach party is to  celebrate your "last night as a single woman", but whatever.  I certainly don't plan on not going out with my friends after I'm married  (and FI feels the same way!) so if that's the best time to get all your girls together, then go for it!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • jennlinjennlin member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    shower at 7 wks, b-party at 4 sounds much more logical...although 7 weeks is still kind of early..but i think it'll be okay.
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  • edited December 2011
    I think you should do whatever works best for you! If you want her there, have it when it works best for her.  I personally am having a weekend getaway b-party with close friends next month, and my wedding is in Dec! (I want it to be sunny when we go.) I also plan on having a local, larger one closer to the wedding.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    We're doing ours the week of the wedding. I've seen them done as early as six weeks before the wedding because that was the time that worked for the most people (or the important people). I wouldn't feel weird at all if it were way in advance.

    1st year anniversary in Victoria with a killer whale topiary!
  • edited December 2011
    Mine was 8 weeks out from our wedding, but that was thanks to the GMs planning the bachelor party that weekend for whatever reason and we were going to have my party the same weekend to keep us girls busy (3 of us had our guys out of town that weekend).  That and CA BM didn't want to have to fly up twice within a short span of time.  Of course, she bailed on it which I expected, but that was another reason. 

    Personally, I would have rather had it 2-3 weeks out from the wedding, but it worked out fine.  I think the idea of the Shower 7 weeks out and the bachelorette party at 4 is ideal.
    Family fall photo session with Ashley Hoyle Photography
    Married 7/10/10
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  • amandaswamandasw member
    edited December 2011
    I think it would be a little odd to have it so early, but that's just me.  I had a couple girls who lived in other states (and on in Europe) that I really wanted to be at mine so the best option was to do it the Thursday before.  Is that not possible?
  • mgoss228mgoss228 member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    amandasw:  I want to avoid having the b-party the same week as the wedding at all costs.  I want the events that happen that week to be family and RD related, not at all like the sh*tshow that I want my b-party to be.
    OMH est. May 7, 2011
    Photo courtesy of jennygg.com
    My never updated Planning/Married Bio: http://mgoss228.weebly.com/
    Seattle Knotties: Please page me if you send me a PM!
  • edited December 2011
    my FI and I moved to washington 4 years ago...so most of our close friends and all of our family lives out of state, and none of them live in the same state. So... I had my bachelorette 8 weeks in advance for more than 1 reason.. basically. I think early is fine because it spreads costs out for your guest.. esp out of state guests.

    16 girls were able to join me in las vegas and we had a BLAST! My moh planned it very early (like 6 months ahead of time) to give everyone the opportunity to go if they wanted... plus a vegas vacation is always fun! To get 16 girls, all coming from different cities and states was amazing and I was SO happy so many girls could make it. all the girls told me this spread out their costs. So it wasn't bachelorette costs,.... then shower costs.. then wedding costs... all at once, or even int he same month.

    I had 2 showers. 1. was realy early in April in CA(Im getting married Oct 2, in Seattle) but it was my FMIL choice and she scares me so I let her do what she wanted, when she wanted. 25 people came. My BM is throwing me one in Seattle and 15 people have RSVP'ed so far.

    So my personal opinion is early bachelorette is a nice thing to do for your guests, esp if they;re coming from out of town, or doing a panty shower for you at it. Its spreads the costs out for them.
  • irshis20irshis20 member
    edited December 2011
    I wanted my best girls at my bachelorette party, and almost all of them live out of state, so my party is going to be the Thursday before the wedding. I don't drink much anyway, so it doesn't bug me that I won't be able to get unconscious at my B Party. We're going out to a nice dinner, then doing something fun like dancing or a burlesque show afterward..and maybe a tad of bar hopping. Having my closest friends/bridesmaids at my party mattered way more to me than getting $hitfaced, and that meant asking them to fly up here just a day earlier than they were already planning.
  • mgoss228mgoss228 member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    irshis20:  Different strokes for different folks, no need to get judgey.

    All of my close friends (minus my ATL MOH) live in the Seattle metro area, and most are my sorority sisters (graduated about 3 years ago).  Because of my age and the crowd I hang out with, a sh*tshow is what everyone is expecting/wanting.  And I am sooo lucky that my MOH is willing to fly out twice within less than two months, I believe she will be visiting with her family as well as attending and co-planning with my other MOH and BMs.
    OMH est. May 7, 2011
    Photo courtesy of jennygg.com
    My never updated Planning/Married Bio: http://mgoss228.weebly.com/
    Seattle Knotties: Please page me if you send me a PM!
  • edited December 2011
    I don't think Irshis meant her comment as a jab, I took it as she was simply stating her situation.  I know there are a few knotties on here who are having non-traditional (more mellow) bachelorette parties simply because that is how they are. 

    Honestly, I kind of wish all the girls who went to mine could have gotten a bit more drunk, but MOH and my other BM I think were trying to look out for me, which I appreciated, but I was also kind of hoping MOH would let loose like we used to do when we were roommates and partied together for old times' sake.
    Family fall photo session with Ashley Hoyle Photography
    Married 7/10/10
    Wedding Planning Bio - Updated 6/13/2010
  • irshis20irshis20 member
    edited December 2011
    @mgoss, Tygirl is right, I wasn't taking a jab at you, just telling you that I made the choice to have my party just a couple days before the wedding because, like you, it was most important to me to have my good friends there. If the only way you can do it is by having it 8 weeks prior, then do it.

    BTW, a good number of my girls coming to my bachelorette party are my sorority sisters, as well.
  • amandaswamandasw member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_washington-seattle_timing-of-bach-party?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:104Discussion:84e57c5e-0569-4f3a-9904-bb6a1f48a61aPost:031eb23e-d5c3-4366-9e28-9137e723bccd">Re: Timing of Bach-Party</a>:
    [QUOTE]@mgoss, Tygirl is right, I wasn't taking a jab at you, just telling you that I made the choice to have my party just a couple days before the wedding because, like you, it was most important to me to have my good friends there. If the only way you can do it is by having it 8 weeks prior, then do it.
    Posted by irshis20[/QUOTE]

    this was my situation and only option, so that's why I had mine the week of. 
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