now that our RSVP date is tomorrow, people are rsvping like crazy... at this point, i don't really care what means of communication you rsvp in... i'll take the loss of the stamp, whatever!
sooo happy: an RSVP we were waiting for and dreading to ask about came in the mail today... most of you can probably know what i'm talkin about.

annoyed: my cousin, who i'm not close with AT ALL and haven't seen in probably 10 or more years, asked over facebook where her std and invitation was... she is the same person that when i got engaged said that she wasn't sure if she could make it because her brother works on saturdays... that was 15months before my wedding.. anyway, she was like, i hope i'm invited to your wedding.. blah blah blah. so i sent her an invitation because i'm nice... well i keep asking her if she is gonna send it back and she doesn't answer... so she finally she messages on facebook "won't be able to make it" hahaha. i'm ok with that.. just don't try to get invited and then don't come... hahaha. less money i'm spending!
amused: this guy at work refuses to tell me if he's coming or not until the rsvp date. I'm sure him and his wife are coming but when we've had convos he keeps jokingly saying "i have until the 17th!". So today a co-worker asked him and he goes "no you don't, i'll rsvp tomorrow!" hahahaha. makes me laugh because he is totally the type to do that!
starting to feel better about all of this!