
Friday Rant & Rave

Family fall photo session with Ashley Hoyle Photography
Married 7/10/10
Wedding Planning Bio - Updated 6/13/2010

Re: Friday Rant & Rave

  • edited December 2011
    Rant: My car's in the shop.  Until Tuesday.  And it's getting a part replaced that I replaced 3 years ago.  To the tune of $650.  AWESOME.  Exactly what I needed right now.  And this weather is pissing me off!  Oh yeah, and they're saying this year's hurricane season is supposed to be pretty strong.  Hopefully they're wrong on that end.

    Rave: RD invites should be arriving today!  We finished getting the last of the wines last night.  Oh and my b-pic book should be arriving (hopfully) tomorrow!  Gotta beat FI to the mailbox!
    Family fall photo session with Ashley Hoyle Photography
    Married 7/10/10
    Wedding Planning Bio - Updated 6/13/2010
  • edited December 2011
    My father...where do I begin?!
    He dumped the cat off at the Humane Society to get adopted!! Oh, and they'll euthanise her if she doesn't get adopted within 5 days!?!? And he didn't tell my sister (whose cat it really is but it has been living with dad for the past few years because the cat was unhappy with the nephews as she's old and they're young and one is super-allergic to her) until AFTER he did it. So we're trying to scramble and figure out how to rescue her and at least get her to PAWS. Ok...I just deleted a bunch as I was starting to serial rant on the topic. Anyway....we need to find her a new home if possible, so does anyone have space in their home and heart for a sweet, petite, 13 year-old female orange tabby? My FI is super-allergic to her otherwise I would. :(

    RANT: I was just going to get new lenses in my glasses but they told me that the plastic is getting too old and would be too brittle for replacement. So now I have to find new frames this weekend so that I can have glasses in time!! Contacts + airplane = way too much hassle. I hate finding new frames! And FI isn't good at helping me pick them out and everyone's too busy to be able to mesh with my schedule this weekend to help me.

    RANT/RAVE: one month till the wedding!!!!!!!!

    RAVE: Having some friends over to help make pomanders tomorrow. It's a 3day weekend (although I have too many social obligations that I'd rather bail on since I have so much WR stuff to dooooooo).

    RAVE: FI loves me and wants to marry me despite my insane family and that now instead of 2 families on my side, I'm having 3. :(  He's going to clean the house tomorrow so it's not embarrassing when people come over as he said, "We're a team! So you go find glasses after your massage and I'll make the house nice." AWWWWWwwwwww
    Daisypath Vacation tickers
  • mgoss228mgoss228 member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Rant:  My puppy was neutered on Wednesday, and has been way more high maintenance the last few days.... understandably of course, but he was doing so good before then and it feels like we took a giant step back as far as puppy training goes.  I hope he starts feeling/acting normal soon!

    Rave:  I get to leave work 3 hours early today!  Yay for Memorial day weekend!
    OMH est. May 7, 2011
    Photo courtesy of jennygg.com
    My never updated Planning/Married Bio: http://mgoss228.weebly.com/
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  • edited December 2011
    RANT: I'm soooo sick of the rain. I never complain about it, but come on. It's practically June!! Just give me a little bit of sunshine please!

    RAVE: We have our first dance lesson tonight!! I'm totally excited. Also, I bought the pants & shirts for FI and the groomsmen yesterday... we got them at Macy's and they are having a big Memorial Day sale, and all 3 pants, and 3 shirts only cost $150!!

    RAVE: 3 day weekend! Saw SATC2 last night with my BFF and it was so good! Made me even more excited for my girls trip to Puerto Vallarta in 5 weeks!!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • jennlinjennlin member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011

    rant: ditto jamers. i don't usually complain about rain...i usually love it...but it's almost june, and i'm going camping tomorrow. tomorrow is my favorite weekend of every year...the kick off of camping season. don't ruin it for me, mother nature.

    rave: i'm going camping tomorrow! this amount of rain isn't going to stop me, but i'm not excited the way i should be...yes, i'm excited, just not enough.

    rave 2: i didn't even hit a full 3 weeks at my new job and my boss has come by to tell me how awesome i am and has authorized me to work overtime already. (somebody is out this week, and it's super backed up). i don't usually like overtime, but i don't want to look like a slacker! but the point is~ i'm awesome.

    ♥ bfp2 02/15/2012 ♥ edd 10/23/2013 ♥
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    who says you can only wear your wedding dress once?

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    jumped ship to the new and improved nest. back to TB for baby boards.
  • LuminousMuseLuminousMuse member
    edited December 2011
    Rant: Visiting future sis-in-law in TX and got hives from new shoes, then my foot swelled up, and I also got a mosquito bite on my ring finger so I can't wear my engagement ring until the swelling goes down.

    Rave: Yeah, right now I've got nothin'...bummer!
  • edited December 2011
    Rant:  Weather.  Also, I am kind of burnt out at work right now.

    Rant/Rave:  We are going to Moses Lake for the weekend, which should be fun, BUT...  We are going with some of FI's friends.  I've never met any of them.  We were the last couple to sign on, so we have to sleep on couches.  It will be that time of the month which will suck because I get horrible, back-breaking cramps at night.  And we're taking the dog, which scares me because other dogs will be there & she does not do well with other dogs.

    Rave:  Um...  Only 2.5 weeks left of school?  Oh, and tomorrow I am going up to the venue with my DOC to do a walk-through.  I haven't seen it for a year, so, yay!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • edited December 2011
    Rant: Dentist this morning tells me I have 2 cavaties and they'll cost me $300 to fix.  Ugh.  I'm so broke.  Some potential catering and florist vendors are being completely unresponsive - probably cause I'm not a summer bride :-(
    Homework this weekend.  Lastly, I'm striking out all over the place on finding a dress for FSIL's NY wedding.
    Rave: FI gets home from his week long training in Texas today.  SATC 2 tonight with my gal pal.  Exactly two weeks today til grad school graduation! 

    Finally, and my best rave yet, I noticed that on the website for my venue it says the auditorium is currently under renovation!  That means they are coming through on no more pee yellow carpet in the ceremony room! YIPEE
  • edited December 2011
    RANT: My job is driving me NUTS! I was suppose to get a dollar raise and instead they gave me 70 cents! Really?!? You couldn't go the whole dollar?!

    RANT:The weather of course and the fact that I am not going camping this weekend like I wanted to.

    RAVE: I just found out FI's aunt is an ordained minister!! We are asking her today if we can do our wedding!

    RAVE: We have our hotel and RD venue booked, music playlist started, and GMs gifts picked out! Check, check, check, check!!!
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    Updated 10/4/10 image

  • ArchelArchel member
    edited December 2011
    Rant: I hear y'all with the weather. Rain depresses me. Being sick doesn't help.

    Rave: Don't have to work an event tonight like I thought, so my weekend starts earlier than expected!

    Sorry, KST about your daddy issues! Can't help you take on the cat though....
    - Rachel

    Married 11/6/10

  • edited December 2011
    Rant: Work, the rain, and I am just plain grumpy Rave: I feel really skinny at the moment and despite the rain I am having a good hair day. I am looking forward to Sunday. Hopefully that will be a good day.
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  • edited December 2011

    rant: had some mishaps this week, one of my two moh's dropped out.. and then her DH called FI to drop out on his side too... sad. now i have personalized stuff i don't know what to do with... and we've potentially lost 2 friends because my moh's couldn't get along.

    rave: i have 4 days off this weekend. Today is the second day of the 4 and I've been having such a good time! We've been so lazy and its been nice. FI and I are having friends over tomorrow for the fight and he is putting together our first bbq. :) Life is good.

    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker we're having twins!
  • edited December 2011
    RANT: I am still having lots of problems with my arm, and the possibility of yet another surgery (#7) has come up. This is really bringing me down and I am so over my freakin right arm.

    RAVE: FI suprised me and changed his plane ticket home today and showed up four hours early, this was quite wonderful after having him gone all week. Plus he walked through the door with flowers for me :)
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  • edited December 2011
    Rant: I've been in a shiity mood almost all week. Had a total break down sob fest yesterday from stress. And cause of stress my face is breaking out which makes me even more pissed! Ah! It's a vicious circle.

    Rave: Tomorrow is my FI's birthday and I get to surprise him with presents then we're going out to dinner with our families. I've lost 10 pounds. I should be cleared to go back to full duty at work on Tues, thank god! I really need the money! Mom is taking me shopping for retail therapy tomorrow at Nordies, need some new jeans! And I love that we have a 3 day weekend. Nothing to do, love it.
    Married 7/17/2010 Photobucket PersonalMilestone
  • jbuddenjbudden member
    edited December 2011
    Rave: I feel I need to start with rave, because I have a four day weekend!! I took today off and have Monday off for the holiday. I've been watching wedding shows all day on TLC and it's getting me PUMPED! 

    Rant: I'm home alone at my future in-laws with the dog and am getting lonely and bored. I also didn't get a lot done that I wanted to get done. Oh well.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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