Soooo...... I found out from a co-worker something that confirms my suspicion (husband came home from bparty with condom on... boys being boys... or betrayl?) that he slept with a stripper... as he so drunkenly announced at a work party (for my work, awesomeee...). I'm trying really hard not to over-react... this is a 6 year relationship and we have been through so much together... but every time he "clarifies" something for me or I get some new unsolicited information from a "friend" it breaks my heart more. I'm pretty spiritual and believe that marriage should be forever. And I thought I was good with that until I realized that I now don't think I can stand to kiss him, let alone sleep with him... should I stay or should I go? Has anyone been through something similar to this and how did you cope with it and make the decision to stay or go?