
Friday Rant & Rave

It's been a while since I initiated the post for one of these.  Guess it's about time to do one, right? :) Go!
Family fall photo session with Ashley Hoyle Photography
Married 7/10/10
Wedding Planning Bio - Updated 6/13/2010

Re: Friday Rant & Rave

  • edited December 2011

    Rant: It's kind of chilly and foggy this morning - where's the sunshine!??

    Rant: I get to see DH for a total of .5 days this entire week.  He left town Monday for a work meeting/gathering in San Francisco and got back yesterday afternoon, then he leaves midday today to head to north-central Oregon for 2 weekend motorcycle track days. :( 

    Rave: It's FRIDAY!  Wedding to attend tomorrow!  No DH so going with one of my BMs. :)

    Rave: Getting a mani & pedi either tonight or tomorrow!  My nails and cuticles desperately need it!

    Family fall photo session with Ashley Hoyle Photography
    Married 7/10/10
    Wedding Planning Bio - Updated 6/13/2010
  • jennlinjennlin member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    haha! i've never initiated one of these.......too lazy to. one day.....

    rant: workworkwork. this has been just about the busiest work week of my life + stuff to do at home home too. the half rave in here would be the overtime paycheck, but this is the end of the payperiod, and last week i worked zero over time...so it won't even be a significant check to encourage me to work more.

    rave: i'm pretty excited about a wedding happening tomorrow!
    ♥ bfp2 02/15/2012 ♥ edd 10/23/2013 ♥
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    who says you can only wear your wedding dress once?

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    jumped ship to the new and improved nest. back to TB for baby boards.
  • dreamwindsdreamwinds member
    edited December 2011
    Rave: It was my thirtieth birthday yesterday and DH (omg, he's my husband) took me out to a surprise dinner where he didn't tell me where we were going. He thought I'd never been there, but I had to burst his bubble. But dinner was still really good at Dahlia Lounge. :) I also had my first cocktail in like FOREVER, which made me very happy. The waiter also insisted we get dessert cause he really wanted to comp us something for my birthday, even though both of us were full. It was super cute and we appreciated the gesture. :)

    Rant: Afterward, we went home and lit the candle on my birthday (cup)cake from Trophy. Sadly, there was this huge piece of hard, rock-like thing at the bottom, and the whole cupcake tasted kind of acrid; kinda a cross between metallic, paint-thinner and burnt. :( We're going to go back later today together and see if we can get a replacement cupcake cause what's a birthday without cake?!

    Rave: Our magnets got shipped and are supposed to arrive today! I am so nervous about how they'll look. What if the text is too small? :( But the people we were working with seem nice. I'd hope they'd email us if it really did not work out well.

    Rave: We got a custom address stamp from Impress and it's so gorgeous. I keep stamping random things just to stare at the prettiness.

    Rave: I convinced the DH that we should have a second photographer at our wedding to get more dramatic shots and interesting detail shots. Score!
    imageLilypie Maternity tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Happy (belated) Birthday, Dream!!!! :)
    Family fall photo session with Ashley Hoyle Photography
    Married 7/10/10
    Wedding Planning Bio - Updated 6/13/2010
  • edited December 2011
    Rant: I am sooo tired and don't want to be at work Rave: I actually get to sleep in this week end and I am actually really excited to run in Torchlight tomorrow! I can't wait to just spend a couple lazy hours in bed tomorrow morning.
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  • ArchelArchel member
    edited December 2011
    Rant: Thanks to putting off finding a band for several months, now all the bands I wanted to look into are booked/busy. Yell  At this rate, we may just be using our ipod.

    Rave: Going to visit FI's family this weekend and go to a water park. Yahoo!
    - Rachel

    Married 11/6/10

  • edited December 2011
    Rant- I am cold and have no desire to work today.  FI has to work tomorrow.

    Rave - It is my birthday and there are jello shots :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011

    Rant: I can't see 50ft outside my window because of this fog. :-( One of our groomsmen has officially dropped out but it's for a good reason.  He got into an international grad school program and won't be in the country in March.  Still this creates a little stress trying to determine if FI wants to pick someone else or not.

    Rave: TGIF!  I'm looking forward to Saturday.  FSIL got married in NY at the end of June and the west coast reception is tomorrow.  I can't wait to see all the details. 

  • edited December 2011
    MMA - Happy Birthday!! :)
    Family fall photo session with Ashley Hoyle Photography
    Married 7/10/10
    Wedding Planning Bio - Updated 6/13/2010
  • edited December 2011
    Rant: I forget to set my alarm; eff. Got to work late..

    Rave: Its Friday! 

    Rave: I posted on Craigslist looking for an acoustic guitarist for our ceremony... and like Craigslist is... very hit and miss... more miss. THEN I get this email from a Peter Rothbart- who was part of a band peomadept - and he is PERFECT. Super nice on the phone and really interested in how I want MY wedding.  Hurray! Music for ceremony CHECK!

    Oh happy Day!

  • edited December 2011
    Rant - I stopped taking my blood pressure meds last week to see if  I really needed em anymore.  Apparently I do - gained 5 lbs and my hands are puffy (before anyone says anything - they are mostly for migraine control - blood pressure is usually just high end of normal).  Blah - I hate relying on medication.

    Rave - 3 more working days til a 2 week vacation.  No real plans - My daughter will have her 16th birthday while I'm off and we're taking 1 camping day during the Perseid meteor showers.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    image 65 asked to watch us make it happen
    image 51 helping us party
  • edited December 2011
    Happy birthday to the birthday girls!!!

    MMA - I love that you're so excited about Jello shots!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    image 65 asked to watch us make it happen
    image 51 helping us party
  • mgoss228mgoss228 member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Happy Birthday ladies!  Enjoy your respective cupcake and jello shots! Wink

    Rant:  FI wants me to go out to this big party tonight that his friends are having, and I'm feeling like a boring homebody and would rather cuddle with my puppy tonight.  But I'll probably go since he wants me to, and there will be free food.

    Rave:  I narrowed my bouquet options down to two ideas:

    *white tulips, purple tulips, and yellow tulips (either regular or French style tulips).  That way my bouquet will match my UW garter (courtesy of kayesmith).  The colors would also go great with the venue, and FI and I are huge Husky fans.

    *white tulips and blue irises (royal blue is the main color of the wedding). The tulips would be regular or French style.  I mentioned my ideas to my mom, and she preferred this option.

    I got really excited when I figured out my 2 favorites, and am happy to have a giddy wedding-related moment (those aren't so frequent since I got engaged back in October).
    OMH est. May 7, 2011
    Photo courtesy of jennygg.com
    My never updated Planning/Married Bio: http://mgoss228.weebly.com/
    Seattle Knotties: Please page me if you send me a PM!
  • edited December 2011
    No rant... wow, and yay!

    RAVE: I'm going to rave about FI today and how much I love him. We've been having some spats lately and I feel like I've been a crazy person. But I know when it boils down to it, I can't imagine spending a single day without him in my life. I love him so much... He's amazing :o)
  • edited December 2011
    RANT: My bachelorette party is pissing me off! Only 2 BMs out of 6 have really commited to it so I have pretty much had to plan it myself with some help. Now that I have a plan that I love, girls are flaking out left and right because "they are broke" but still want to come. I guess they expect not to pay for anything but want to take advantage of what others are paying for!

    RANT: I want my sunshine back!

    RAVE: My BM, Cait is amazing! I haven't known her as long as my other BMs but she definitely has proved herself to be my best friend. I love her! No drama with this girl!!

    RAVE: My daughter (14mos) now says Daddy and Mommy instead of Dada and Mama. SO CUTE!
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  • edited December 2011

    Hey ladies!  :)

    Rave:  It's only 101 out, not 114 like last week.  MUCH better.

    Rant:  Stupid BM's and the drama that comes with them.  Ugh.  Next time I am eloping.  Ok.  That's not true.  Not all of them are being stupid..just a small handfull.

    -Liss EED (Estimated Eviction Date): February 18th, 17th, 21st and now the 14th. Who knows...they change the date every appointment! BabyFruit Ticker
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  • TashaK24TashaK24 member
    edited December 2011
    Love this idea!  Happy birthday tio the birthday girls!

    Rant: Found a dead bird in the back garden of my apartment complex today, luckily my dog didn't find it first :P

    Rave: Going for dinner and drinks with a good friend I haven't seen since before I got engaged so I get to show off my ring (and drink martinis!)

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    rant: i'm so annoyed today... people are irritating me and i just want everyone to leave! is that bad??? centerpieces aren't gonna be exactly what I was thinking but there were just too many hands on the flowers so i couldn't even think. looks like hydrangea on half of them and callalillies on the other. also, the shipment that they promised me of hydrangea never showed....

    rave: i'm getting married tomorrow and I have nothing else to worry about.. everything seems to be taken care of. moh is finishing up making my bouquet 'perfect'. :) my grandma came over today and got the flowers to bring to the reception tomorrow.
    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker we're having twins!
  • edited December 2011
    Rant:  Well, a lot of you already know my flower drama.  Lets just say I was late to my own RD because FedEx delivered my 12 dozen garden roses at 4, which was an hour after they promised I'd have them, and I still had to cut and hydrate all of them!
    I have never worked my ass off so hard as the last few days (I was gone for 12 hours today finishing the flowers & getting some from Pike Place).  I still need to pack for the HM/wedding.  And I won't get to see my dog for 2 weeks.

    Rave:  I'm getting married tomorrow!!!  Because of my amazing BM & her amazing daughter, I have gorgeous bouquets/bouts/arrangements/centerpieces for my wedding.  And finally, short of packing, I don't have anything left on my to-do list.  Yay!  Thanks for everything girls (& guy).  See you on the other side!
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