Okay, I've been away for quite a while. It's crazy how life gets in the way, huh? But FI and I had a great weekend. We went to cabin with my co-workers and their significant others and had a fabulous time! No internet, no cell phones, no distractions. Just good friends, good food, and good fun... and MUCH needed!
We have a pretty big check! My friend and co-worker is ordained to perform Baha'i wedding ceremonies and she has been approved to perform our wedding ceremony! Neither of us are Baha'i, but it was really important to me to have our officiant be someone who knows us. There are two requirements that we have to agree to which include getting written permission from our birth parents to perform the ceremony and we have to say "We will all, verily, abide by the will of God." Eveything else, she said, is up to us. Great news!
Okay, I think I need to stop watching all these wedding shows because I'm beginning to second guess things... like my dress. I want to go try more on everytime I watch one of these shows!