Wedding Woes


MIL has been trying to convince SIL to have a desstination wedding.  SIL is really leaning that way and has been getting quotes and crap for cruises.  I have terrible seasickness and I'm sure it won't be cheap. 

Why did MIL have to suggest this?  I'm going to venture it's because she wants an anniversary cruise and this kills two birds with one stone.

Re: Bummer

  • In Response to <a href="">Bummer</a>:
    [QUOTE] I have terrible seasickness and I'm sure it won't be cheap.  
    Posted by 6fsn[/QUOTE]

    <div>This gives you the perfect excuse to stay home. Why spend $$$ just to feel nauseous for a few days? Plus you're a danger to the wedding party/photos - what if you puke on the bride? :-)</div>
  • Send a card with some $$ in it. You'll still come out ahead. Bonus: No pesky MIL for a few days!
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  • 6fsn6fsn member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    Normally I'd suggest not going.  However, SIL deserves whatever wedding she wants.  I love her dearly and want to be there.  Not to mention I know DH will want to go.  Time to save our pennies.
  • Can you put a little birdie in her ear that you'll be sick as a dog if you go on a cruise? Couldn't they just have a DW in Jamaica/other tropical area and call it a day?
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  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:47Discussion:1d738873-6e97-4595-beaf-f3f93648e6e8Post:829ecd27-3902-4b23-85e9-58a83d7541eb">Re: Bummer</a>:
    [QUOTE]Can you put a little birdie in her ear that you'll be sick as a dog if you go on a cruise? Couldn't they just have a DW in Jamaica/other tropical area and call it a day?
    Posted by Butter Cookie[/QUOTE]

    I love this idea.  Is the Dominican Republic still super cheap?  Maybe she could do that for almost as cheap as the cruises Zilla referenced.
  • 6fsn6fsn member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    Interesting zilla.  And the dominican republic might be a viable option.  My parents have some travel thing down there that's a very, very good price.  I wonder if they have the option to help on this.

    Hopefully as she gets details she'll change her mind, but I'll definitely be like a hawk countering MIL's ideas.  For perspective- I got sick on the ferry to the Statue of Liberty and on a big ship in the English Channel.  I get sick,
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