Wedding Woes

I hate apologizing

I'm not good at apologizing w/out explanation.  I make myself do it.  I just messaged my MIL to tell her I was sorry that we upset her last night, b/c I AM sorry I upset her.  

I'm not sorry she got upset be cause I  slapped her upside the head with the truth.  I left that part off, b/c it doesn't need to be said and will just cause more issues.

It's official that I can only stand about 3 hours with my ILs now.  And that's mostly my fault.  I'm finding as I get older that I don't have patience for things I used to let slide.  I can only imagine how much worse I'm going to get in my 40s.  

Re: I hate apologizing

  • passive voice FTW :)
  • I must have missed what happened, because I'm wondering why you apologized at all.
  • No, I didn't tell the story.  It'sa stupid story, both she and I behaved badly and I just need to learn to get along with her.  

    But I just can't seem to and I don't know why.  I feel like I'm trying so hard, but then she just does/say thing after thing after thing and  I feel like she's poking me and I react.  IDK if she really is or not or if I'm being too sensitive to perceived slights or, or what.  It's just incredibly frustrating and I really am just tired of trying.  I just really want to stop trying.  I want to send DH off with a smile to visit his parents and stay home or go out with friends or anything else than spend time with them.  We were literally around them for 4 hours and I felt poked and then she said the one thing that I just laid into her about.  And it's not fair to anyone, me, her, especially DH.
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