And 5 years with no discussion of marriage? Nothing?
So, after reading many stories similar to mine, I've decided to write my own plea for help and advice.
I have been with my boyfriend for almost 5 years and we have been living together for almost 4 years. I love him very much and have always thought he was "the one". We have a great relationship, laughs are plentiful, and I trust him. Over the past year or two, I have watched almost all of my college friends get married. (I am 26 and he just turned 30.) After being together for so long, I want us to take the next step in our lives together too.
Honestly, I can't believe he hasn't proposed yet. I've always had the old-fashioned view that the guy should propose to the girl he wants to marry. However, the waiting has been getting the best of me lately. My best friend advised me to casually say something to him and see how he reacted. Last Christmas, he asked me what I wanted as a present and I replied "a diamond ring" and showed him the type of ring I would like. It was a BIG step for me to suggest that he should propose. I always thought it would come naturally for him.
Well, it's the middle of April and I'm still without a ring. Lately, I have become so resentful that I feel like I am hurting our relationship. It just really upsets me that he hasn't even talked about it at all, even to say if he's not ready. And now, who would want to propose to an irritable, resentful girlfriend?
The problem is that I don't want the marriage to be my idea. I'm afraid that if I bring up a proposal again, I wouldn't think he was being genuine if he did propose after all of my prompting. I know I want to move on if he doesn't propose. Our lease is up in June, so I have to make a decision soon. Should I wait and see what he does, then move out if nothing happens? Talk to him now...or later? I know I have said enough to make him aware that I want to get married. I think I have my prince, but I'm tired of waiting for my happy ending. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
"I would be sad if sex was only about the climax, lame." Someone who is obviously doing it wrong