Wedding Woes

My poor couple BFFs

in StL have lost 3 of their 4 animals in the past 6 mos.  One of them was the husband's dog pre-wife, the 2nd dog was the first animal they bought together and the 3rd was their cat.  They were all 10+ years old, but still, it's got to be a body blow.

I'm sending them a plant b/c I don't know what else to do.  I know the 2nd dog had a tumor that ruptured in her stomach and I don't remember what happened to the cat, but I know they had to put down the cat.  She posted that Dante had to be let go, but didn't give any details and I'm just not asking.  I can't imagine the heart break and how horribly empty their house must feel.  Those dogs were giant (one was a bearhound, the other was a husky).

I feel so terrible for them.  :(

Re: My poor couple BFFs

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    That is horrible.  :(

    I just a friendly gal looking for options.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Oh, that's awful.
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    So sad.  :(
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    That's terrible.  Maybe a donation to an animal shelter? 
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    I sent them a Tree of Prosperity.  They're big gardeners and indoor plant people, so they should like it. I like sending plants that'll stick around for awhile, rather than just flowers.

    These dogs were kind of amazing.  They got out of the yard and were gone for 2 years.  BFFs got a phone call one night from the pound that the pound had both dogs! and they were going to be closing in an hour and scheduled to be destroyed the next day.  Someone had finally thought to see if they were chipped (which they were).  So, they were able (after multiple threats and some insane driving) to get both of them back.  

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